Hey Trog! (And Other Geeks Too)


You seen this? The lineal descendant of the "Delta Clipper" non-starter.


Branson's competition. Pretty cool, but they've got Burt Rutan to contend against and that's not going to be easy.

Here's the part I find fascinating -- and that has caused a huge amount of speculation within the aerospace community:

"Blue Origin is actively hiring. We are particularly looking for experienced propulsion engineers and experienced turbomachinery engineers, as well as a senior leader to head our turbopump group. Folks with turbopump or propulsion experience on large, modern, cryogenic engines such as the RS-68 are of particular interest."

The RS-68 is the engine on the Delta IV. Big sucker. Gosh, I wonder if they're going to LOX as the oxidizer? :)

One thing's for sure: if that's where they're headed, the final vehicle will be much, much bigger than the prototype.
It looks like a giant cervix. Does it do anything? Or does it just sit there while everyone eats biscuits?
It looks like a giant cervix. Does it do anything? Or does it just sit there while everyone eats biscuits?
You didn't watch the video, clearly. :)

If flies. It's the prototype for another sub-orbital vehicle, competing with the "Virgin Galactic" Scaled Composites vehicle. It's the private, commercial descendant of NASA's aborted Delta Clipper project.

In short, it's really cool.

The thing is that it's pretty clear they're going to have to abandon some of the original concept. Which surprises no one: it would have taken a couple of engineering marvels -- if not outright miracles -- to make it work as originally conceived.

A lot of us thought this puppy was dead. I'm glad to see that it's not.
Cool, but the cheapest and best way (IMO) is to go the route Rutan? went with the lift vehicle, then an orbiter launching from that platform. Tremendous energy requirement in a VLVL vehicle because you're controlling down flight as well as up.

P.S. I am neither geek nor nerd, I am a "Lab Monkey."
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