Hey yall.. long time no see


a member named bob
well i found a lil time to check in... how the heck is every one...

well cant say i have a cule whats going on politicaly lately... i have been in computer wonderland lately. and took a holiday down in cancun... i think i want to move to the caribbean... maybe someday
hey bob! welcome back! it'll be too hot down there some day, i think....? bermuda might be better positioned for the tropical life!
hey bob! welcome back! it'll be too hot down there some day, i think....? bermuda might be better positioned for the tropical life!

lol.. ya who knows... i just love tropical areas, i think my GF are going to try to save up for a trip too the french polynesia islands in the next few years, i have heard alot of good thing about em
Hiya lucky duck. Cancun...Well anyway Dixie is gone for now, otherwise pretty much same ol same ol.

what finaly made him leave ??? although i cant say that i am supprised.

cancun was great.. not long enough but wasnt too short either... it was probably one of the more laid back vacations i have taken... we basicly just hung out on the beach most of the time... one thing that i probably noticed the most though was all these teenagers there with there parents, i am talking like 15,16 17. they are nuts... well lets just say thati am convinced that the girls gone wild videos are all made up of minors... and maybe there parents too. i dont know ... maybe be iam just a prued