hi im back finally


Junior Member
woah, just closed on my 5,000,000,000 dollar apartment in NYC... its been rough.. then i had to count the money after i paid to make sure i got proper change... obviously i paid cash for the place. it really puts trumps place to shame.. we grabbed lunch while i was there after the closing. Its in Chelsea, right by the chelsea pier. Anyways whats up with these taxcuts expiring...

thats rediculous, the poor and middle class just keep getting everything. they want to keep taxing me and taxing me... i mean then i might just have 10 million instead of 12 million... its just not right....
Hey Dawg! How was your weekend? I went to a halloween party on Saturday. Without going into too many details, I'm way too old to get wasted anymore.
i went to a halloween party on the UWS. i drove down... i didn't feel like sitting on the train with all the lowly lower class folks... i took the jetta in though
Hey Dawg! How was your weekend? I went to a halloween party on Saturday. Without going into too many details, I'm way too old to get wasted anymore.

btw im not too old to get wasted, i went out to her party then they went to a straight bar and i went to a gay bar, only i was too drunk to find the bar...LOL
Ugh. Sunday morning and afternoon, I was a complete mess. I had to get my boyfriend to drive home. Any mention of food made me nauseous. I definitely can't do it anymore. I'm officially out of the "getting wasted stage".

It was funny though, the guys had a pole in the middle of their living room and they swore up and down it was steady and wouldn't budge. Well, this big girl got on it and it fell completely over. It was definitely a sight. Needless to say, that was motivation for me to get my as$ to pilates this afternoon.
Ugh. Sunday morning and afternoon, I was a complete mess. I had to get my boyfriend to drive home. Any mention of food made me nauseous. I definitely can't do it anymore. I'm officially out of the "getting wasted stage".

It was funny though, the guys had a pole in the middle of their living room and they swore up and down it was steady and wouldn't budge. Well, this big girl got on it and it fell completely over. It was definitely a sight. Needless to say, that was motivation for me to get my as$ to pilates this afternoon.

i would have paid to see that.
Yeah, it was funny. I wish I had a picture of it. I hope someone got it on camera. How was the bar you went to?
yeah, I rarely indulge and when I do I try to keep it a tipsy or under :(
My body respects me much better the next day ;)