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Here's some recent hidden video footage I found of "Blow-Hole" Joe, Doctor Jill and George Soros have dinner together in the West Wing...



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Here's some recent hidden video footage I found of "Blow-Hole" Joe, Doctor Jill and George Soros have dinner together in the West Wing...



DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

You mean to say that Trump never had dinner with any big political donors.
Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?

He's a Jewish multi-billionaire philanthropist who has given away $32bn. Why does the hard right from America to Australia and from Hungary to Honduras believe George Soros is at the heart of a global conspiracy,

Why is billionaire George Soros a bogeyman for the hard right?

He's a Jewish multi-billionaire philanthropist who has given away $32bn. Why does the hard right from America to Australia and from Hungary to Honduras believe George Soros is at the heart of a global conspiracy,


What makes it so funny and lame is that he has been the bogeyman for over three decades now, you'd think in all that time they could have come up with someone else to scapegoat
You mean to say that Trump never had dinner with any big political donors.

You know the "DOMINION" voting machines that were used in 28 US States in the Nov 3rd, 2020, elections ? Well, included in those 28 States were aLL of the critical Swing States: Pennsylvania; Georgia; Wisconsin; Nevada; Arizona; Michigan, etc.

Now "Dominion" voting machines run on the software that is in "Smartmatic" voting voting machines. And the Dominion Voting Systems compay that produces the "Dominion machines" licences the "Smartmatic" software from a UK-based company called SGO (Smartmatic). From 2014 to December of 2020 the Chair of the Board of Directors of SGO ("Smartmatic) was Lord Mark Mallock Brown. Lord Malloch Brown has been George Soros's favourite "bunk buddy since around 1993=1994.

The software in SGO ("Smartmatic") voting machines in 2020 had the same basic DNA as the original "Smartmatic" voting machines soft ware. That software was created by three young Venezulan computer programmer for use in the 2004 re-call referendum in Venezula. The President at the time was Hugo Chavez, the socialist revolutionary. Hugo told the three computer engineers to manipulate thetampered with the software in their "Smartmatic" machines so that it would rig the election for him (the polls were showing that Chavez was going to be defeated). It worked and Hugo Chavez miraculously won the election with 52% of the vote, while the opposition scored only 48%.

Since 2004 in Venezuela "Smartmatic" machines have been involved in major election fraud scandals all over the world, because the software they run is deliberately and intentionally designed to defraud the counting and tallying of votes. "Smartmatic" voting machines have very poor security, they can be connected to the internet and are very easy to hack.

This is the main way that the Democrats - who are owned by George Soros - managed to steal the 2020 Presidential election from Trump. All of the US Swing States were using "Dominion " machines in which Lord Mark Malloch Brown's dodgy, "Venezuelan" SGO ("Smartmatictic") software was embedded. George Soros absoluted hated Trump, and he was so delighted to see the 2020 stolen from him by Biden that he gave his buddy, Lord Mark, new jobs as President of his powerful "Quantum Fund" and President of his "Open Society Foundations = effective January 1st, 2021.

So that's one reason Trump lost the Nov 2020 election; the other was that 43% of Americans voted with "mail-in"/"absentee" ballots that are so fucking vulnerable to defraud it's not funny.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Fake news, and it keeps getting further and further blown up by the day

"Wisconsin audit finds 2020 election was secure"

"A nonpartisan audit of the results of the 2020 presidential race in Wisconsin found that the state’s voting machines correctly tabulated the votes cast in the crucial swing state, marking another dismissal of claims by former President Trump and his allies of widespread irregularities."

“Despite concerns with statewide elections procedures, this audit showed us that the election was largely safe and secure,” tweeted Republican state Sen. Robert Cowles, the co-chair of the legislature’s Audit Committee, which ordered the bureau to run the evaluation. “It’s my hope that we can now look at election law changes & agency accountability measures in a bipartisan manner based on these nonpartisan recommendations.”

Soros is 90 years old and lives in Hungry, yet rightys still think he is running things in the dark. They need boogieman and phoney conspiracies to keep themselves warm.
Soros is 90 years old and lives in Hungry, yet rightys still think he is running things in the dark. They need boogieman and phoney conspiracies to keep themselves warm.

Do you think the "Great Reset" is just a Conspiracy Theory, Nerdberg ?

Or how about this: "America is currently ruled by a neo-Marxist government that is turning it into a 'Banana Republic'." Is that just a tinfoil-hat Conspiracy Theory, Nerdberg ?


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
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Problem you have, and always have when it comes to reality, the Koch Brothers actively fomented hate, and more wealth for the 1%. Soros has done nothing similar, and yet liars like you will keep promoting the idea that he has. Kind of like the bull shit the doggy boy brought up about Dominion.

Right back at ya!
You know the "DOMINION" voting machines that were used in 28 US States in the Nov 3rd, 2020, elections ? Well, included in those 28 States were aLL of the critical Swing States: Pennsylvania; Georgia; Wisconsin; Nevada; Arizona; Michigan, etc.......

So that's one reason Trump lost the Nov 2020 election; the other was that 43% of Americans voted with "mail-in"/"absentee" ballots that are so fucking vulnerable to defraud it's not funny.

Like every good right wing toady you are a low life f**king liar:

Nice deflection there. I never claimed Soros was a saint. It is your lie that the Koch Brothers is a bogeyman for the left that you cannot prove.

Of far more value then NOVA:


We are now in the second, more illuminating meta-round of coverage of the recent staggeringly successful spasm of Kochhate launched by the New Yorker's expose on these wealthy, politically active industrial tycoon brothers Charles and David Koch

Report: Half of staff may quit LA Times if right-wing Koch brothers buy paper

"David Koch invested his time, talent and resource to building an infrastructure for ideological change. He spurred others to be involved. The left will have to find a new boogieman."

The director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee gets to the point: “Democrats need money at this early stage in order to fight back against the limitless spending of the Kochs.”

r witty or emphatic or precocious, but it is taken more seriously, and its audience is more elite. Both texts serve the same purpose: alerting Democratic donors to a potential weakness, an emergency, and the necessity of financial reinforcements. Both texts contain the magic words — “Koch brothers” — that inspire the liberal imagination to heights of fear, paranoia, outrage, and self-regard. There are no dog whistles here, no signals audible only to a special class. The cry is as articulate as it is deafening.

Anti-social services, anti-tax and climate skeptic billionaires Charles and David Koch anticipate spending three-quarters of a billion dollars on the 2016 election. Comparatively speaking — President Obama, Mitt Romney, and ALL outside spending groups totaled $2.6 Billion. What kind of influence could one group buy if they were responsible for almost 1/3 of total campaign spending?

Sorry butt wipe, but telling the truth is not the same as your kind does, and that is lie about Soros. Not a "bogeyman" as you claim, and evidently your sources agree, just good reporting. Then too, your kind always relies on scapegoating, and bull shit, as one of your sources proves when it says "that inspire the liberal imagination to heights of fear, paranoia, outrage, and self-regard. There are no dog whistles here, no signals audible only to a special class. The cry is as articulate as it is deafening"
