Hiden biden Makes a Fool of Himself


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when you say Poll's don't mean anything on one hand and on the other hand you site polls and try to say they mean something just means you are either on meth or you are drunk so you're only decision really that you need to make is which one is it
when you say Poll's don't mean anything on one hand and on the other hand you site polls and try to say they mean something just means you are either on meth or you are drunk so you're only decision really that you need to make is which one is it

I've never cite a poll as evidence of anything other than an opinion. I have seen peoeple cute polls especially leftist dipshits who like to use them as evidence of trumps unpopularity. From that they like to infer trump will lose. If the dipshits haven't learned from 2016 that polls don't elect presidents then all that's left to do is ridicule them.
I've never cite a poll as evidence of anything other than an opinion. I have seen peoeple cute polls especially leftist dipshits who like to use them as evidence of trumps unpopularity. From that they like to infer trump will lose. If the dipshits haven't learned from 2016 that polls don't elect presidents then all that's left to do is ridicule them.

The polls in '16 were accurate.
The polls in '16 were accurate.

Where in my post did I say they were wrong? This is one of the major problems when talking to you people. Normal people write something but you brain dead halfwits respond to what's inside your head. Copy and paste where I said the polls were wrong.
when you say Poll's don't mean anything on one hand and on the other hand you site polls and try to say they mean something just means you are either on meth or you are drunk so you're only decision really that you need to make is which one is it

you fucking idiot. this is an attack thread -not current events.
I've never cite a poll as evidence of anything other than an opinion. I have seen peoeple cute polls especially leftist dipshits who like to use them as evidence of trumps unpopularity. From that they like to infer trump will lose. If the dipshits haven't learned from 2016 that polls don't elect presidents then all that's left to do is ridicule them.

The only question I have for you is are you on meth or are you on cocaine which is it cuz it's got to be one or the other
The only question I have for you is are you on meth or are you on cocaine which is it cuz it's got to be one or the other

So you cant site where I said the polls were wrong either huh? At least the other guy had enough sense to not make himself look foolish but cleary you lack the same compunction.
So you cant site where I said the polls were wrong either huh? At least the other guy had enough sense to not make himself look foolish but cleary you lack the same compunction.

The only question I have for you is are you on meth or are you on cocaine which is it cuz it's got to be one or the other
The polls in '16 were accurate.

Correct. This is all they have. But but but Hillary. And 'If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor'. They cling to those two things like a canteen in the desert. They are done. I think they're starting to realize it at this point.
Correct. This is all they have. But but but Hillary. And 'If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor'. They cling to those two things like a canteen in the desert. They are done. I think they're starting to realize it at this point.

If you think biden is l stronger candidate than the talking pig in a pant suit then you are the dumbest fucking asshole on the planet.
If you think biden is l stronger candidate than the talking pig in a pant suit then you are the dumbest fucking asshole on the planet.

I don't know about who was/is the better (or worse) candidate, depending on your perspective. But There is no doubt they're both pathetic at campaigning. Apparently Biden is so bad he just won't.
I don't know about who was/is the better (or worse) candidate, depending on your perspective. But There is no doubt they're both pathetic at campaigning. Apparently Biden is so bad he just won't.

Well i don't think either is a "better"candidate but I said stronger and definitely the pig was much a stronger candidate. I do agree Biden is hiding or being hidden and for good reason
If you think biden is l stronger candidate than the talking pig in a pant suit then you are the dumbest fucking asshole on the planet.

Biden has decades of experience in Washington, which means he knows how the political levers work. Whether you agree or disagree with Trump, his presidency shows how damaging a lack of experience can be when attempting to push through one's agenda.
Biden has decades of experience in Washington, which means he knows how the political levers work. Whether you agree or disagree with Trump, his presidency shows how damaging a lack of experience can be when attempting to push through one's agenda.

Thanks but it doesn't really address my point does it? Where did I say the pig had more experience? I will say it AGAIN if you think Joe is a stronger candidate than the pig then you have a major problem. Trumps lack of experience MAY be a problem but the fact is the left has been gunning for him every single day since Jan 20 2017. You don't imagine that might have something to do with the trouble he is having "...pushing through one's agenda."??? REALLY???!!!
Thanks but it doesn't really address my point does it? Where did I say the pig had more experience? I will say it AGAIN if you think Joe is a stronger candidate than the pig then you have a major problem. Trumps lack of experience MAY be a problem but the fact is the left has been gunning for him every single day since Jan 20 2017. You don't imagine that might have something to do with the trouble he is having "...pushing through one's agenda."??? REALLY???!!!

Your point seems to be "Biden bad and Trump good." Biden is highly qualified to be POTUS. Trump has never been qualified for this job.
Your point seems to be "Biden bad and Trump good." Biden is highly qualified to be POTUS. Trump has never been qualified for this job.

That is spectacularly inaccurate. No where did I say trump good. This is why a sensible discussion cannot be had with you people as you reply to things that are only in your head. I said the pig is a stronger candidate than biden. i never once mentioned trumps experience or ability so do care to reply to what I actually fucking said?
That is spectacularly inaccurate. No where did I say trump good. This is why a sensible discussion cannot be had with you people as you reply to things that are only in your head. I said the pig is a stronger candidate than biden. i never once mentioned trumps experience or ability so do care to reply to what I actually fucking said?

1. Calm down.
2. Learn English.
3. What?
1. Calm down.
2. Learn English.
3. What?

1. Fuck you
2. Piss off
3. The asshole I was responding to was claiming I said things that I never fucking said. The brain dead fucking leftists do that all the time. I am no longer pretending that leftists deserve repect. Is that clear fucking enough for you?