APP - High court undoes Scalia's pro-tobacco order

Interesting case......tobacco companies must pay 270 million to the state to start a quit smoking program......
an obvious pinheaded jury awarded this amount to the state........WHY ?

It is legal to smoke
It is legal to grow tobacco
It is legal to manufacture tobacco products
It is legal to sell tobacco products

Why should some company in this chain of growing and manufacturing have to pay the state of Louisianan 270 million dollars to run a stop smoking program ?

What is the logic here ?

Is it the manufacturers responsibility ?

Why not the tobacco farmer ?
Why not the tobacco retailer ?
there were two main mistakes on this case.

1) that the USSC didn't immediately overturn this verdict because people CHOSE to smoke, even knowing that there were dangers to it
2) Scalia didn't have the authority to do what he did in the first place anyway, but that's no surprise because Scalia doesn't care about the constitution anymore than kagan does.