Hillary and Barack's Passport Files Accessed, but not McCain? WTF


New member
What bullshit is that in the state department....

And notice how the people who got the access and got fired were just temporary contractors....

They get fired and sweeped under the rug...Than 2 months later they give that information to the Republicans, the RNC and the White House....

I love a government that spies and tortures people....

How come they didnt access John McCain's passport files?

Dumb redneck americans.....THe most conservative and fucked up nation in the Western hemisphere...

Or any other candidate from what we know. Lets remember there were many other candidates at the time this was taking place.
MSNBC has just reported that McCain's file was also breached "All Major Candidates ..."

Hmmm -- were some or only one accessed to disguise an interest in another or was it really simply curiosity? Why?
Sounds like a job for homeland security. Didn't congress pass a law right after 911 making it a crime to access members of congress's records ?
i think its rediculous to believe that this is anything but bad employees. mccain's was prob also looked at. curiosity killed the cat.
MSNBC has just reported that McCain's file was also breached "All Major Candidates ..."

Hmmm -- were some or only one accessed to disguise an interest in another or was it really simply curiosity? Why?
Hmm.. Seems like CK jumped all over that assumption, ripped it in half, tied it down, raped it and stretched it until it told him what he wanted to hear. The only thing he didn't do to it is get it right.
MSNBC has just reported that McCain's file was also breached "All Major Candidates ..."

Hmmm -- were some or only one accessed to disguise an interest in another or was it really simply curiosity? Why?

Yeah, that's it I believe. Obama had his records accessed four different times, once just last week. He was the target.
I can't see what they would find on his passport that would be "bad" for his campaign. I guess I should read one of these stories.
So, HillBilly's was only accessed by a trainee?

Yeah and the whole McCain thing is BS too. What could be bad for Obama’s campaign? Isn’t it obvious? They succeeded in turning him into the other. All they need to find is a trip he made to Liberia or some shit, and dig up some “radical” he said hello to while he was there. Don’t you remember they made a big thing out of Bill Clinton’s trip to the Soviet Union when he was basically a kid? Imagine if Obama had been to Pakistan when he was 15! Oh, the mother load! Next thing you knew they would have him as Osama’s long lost cousin. They are so transparent.
I wonder what happened to bac. If he is brokenhearted, enraged, very busy writing about all of this, or all three. I can barely watch it myself.
McCain was only tapped last week.

could it be a little ass covering?
That's my guess. Didn't do it well though. I would have accessed all of them at the same time. The only one avoided was HillBillary, the only time hers was accessed was during a training course where the trainee used her name instead of the family member they were supposed to use.