Hillary Clinton says she's not running in 2020
By Justin Wise
03/04/19 09:08 PM EST
By Justin Wise
03/04/19 09:08 PM EST
Not running is a far cry from not campaigning.
Remember when Hillary Clinton said that she was not going to run for president in 2012.
Knowing that Hillary never told the truth about anything I immediately thought about a deadlocked convention; engineered by the Clinton machine, and George Soros money, in order to deny Obama a second term. Obama’s lies about the Affordable Care Act that he signed put his reelection at risk. That was the opening they needed.
After a few days of non-stop media mouths peeing themselves with excitement Clinton would graciously accept the draft to break the deadlock. In that way she would have avoided an expensive, grueling, primary campaign, while she got the brass ring without looking like a liar —— again.
As 2012 turned out the convention was not deadlocked because Obama bought off George Soros by promising Hillary Clinton the secretary of state job. Secretary of State Clinton Hillary did not disappoint Soros.
With all of those Democrat clowns lining up for 2020 I think Hillary sees a real chance that delegates will draft her in a deadlocked convention this time. She might be tired and worn-out in her dotage, but she ain’t dead yet.
Presidential ambition is a disease which can only be cured by embalming fluid. Estes Kefauver