Hillary Clinton blames gutting of Voting Rights Act for her 2016 loss

dear fucking idiot

the entire world knows the first female elected by the American people was cheated out of her election

Russians bought the republicans party for a few coins per voter

like the evil lying idiots they are

they jumped at the chance to be bought

Now you will pay the price of taking that bribe

fuck you very much
dear fucking idiot

the entire world knows the first female elected by the American people was cheated out of her election

Russians bought the republicans party for a few coins per voter

like the evil lying idiots they are

they jumped at the chance to be bought

Now you will pay the price of taking that bribe

fuck you very much
You're so funny;)
Hmmm. How many excuses is this now? Are we up to 70 yet? Will there be an addendum to her book Why I Lost?
Is she now running on the platform "I should have won" ? At least that would be unique from the "I'm not Trump" platform.

Why are you still interested in Hillary?
Bernie is dirty

the green party is dirty

the republicans are dirty

Fox is dirty

the NRA is dirty

Putin really hated Hilary
Hmmm. How many excuses is this now? Are we up to 70 yet? Will there be an addendum to her book Why I Lost?
Is she now running on the platform "I should have won" ? At least that would be unique from the "I'm not Trump" platform.

It is really quite stunning. It is borderline lunatic. ;)
Why are you still interested in Hillary?

Scarecrow, spare us your strawmen. The MEDIA is the one interested and it is in the news. Grow a brain and some honesty.

the republican party darling the NRA took MILLIONS of Russian money

FOX news repeated the Russian fake news about hilary

Fox held back damaging stories to help Trump

Jill Stein was meeting with Putin

Bernies bid was being run by a Tad Devine who was a Manifort campaign business partner in the Urkraine

he only just fired him about a week ago

Putin bought them all to harm Hilary

now its all crumbling
Come on everyone knows Hillary was the most qualified in the history of the country. Obama said so

All the news outlets said she was going to win

She ran the best campaign in the history of campaigns.

Political science courses across the country will write treatises on her expert campaign

Those darn Russians took her down with just $150,000. That’s it. Best spent money in history. Talk about ROI
If you say so...….
What's entertaining to some, isn't to others. E.g., some people actually find Stephen Colbert funny. If not funny, some find him entertaining.
hrc is entertaining to me because it's fascinating to me how she still whines about losing in '16. Never seen anything like that.
The nice thing is that it shows how badly that loss still affects her. :thumbsup:
the entire world knows the first female elected by the American people was cheated out of her election

If you are referring to Hillary, she only got 232 votes out of a possible 538. The winner of that election got the 270 votes that were needed to win, and Hillary got less. Trump ended up kicking her ass with 306 votes, while Hillary only got 232. She was not cheated out of anything, she just couldn't round up more than a lousy 232 votes. She probably did not understand how presidential elections work, and went out trying to win the popular vote or some shit instead of winning at least 270 EC votes. She is a woman as well as a lefty, so I would not be surprised if she just got confused about which kind of vote she needed to win.
Come on everyone knows Hillary was the most qualified in the history of the country. Obama said so

All the news outlets said she was going to win

She ran the best campaign in the history of campaigns.

Political science courses across the country will write treatises on her expert campaign

Those darn Russians took her down with just $150,000. That’s it. Best spent money in history. Talk about ROI

The Russians were spending a million a month on an army of hackers to push the election for Trumpy.
She was the most qualified. She graduated from Harvard law. She was a senator. She was a secretary of state. Compare that to Trumpy.
I voted for Secretary Clinton holding my nose. She's a Republican-Lite by my standards, and I would have vastly preferred the opportunity to vote for a Social Democrat like myself. Bernie was perfect.

But President Hillary Clinton wouldn't have given us Gorsuch or Kavanaugh.
President Hillary Clinton wouldn't have her tongue up the rectums of Putin and Kim.
President Hillary Clinton wouldn't make our entire nation look to the world like a cracker hole, meth-cooking trailer park in Mississippi.

And having voted for Secretary Clinton doesn't render me a sub-human blob of diseased protoplasm as is every single one of the 63,000,000 Trump voters.
Bernie helped trump win

Bernie hired Tad Devine to run his campaign

Tad Devine worked with Manifort in the Urkriane to Help the Russian chosen candidate win

Bernie people need to realize they helped trump