Hillary Clinton’s Bankroll


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There are so many clowns hustling campaign donations they reminded me of something I said about Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

Finally, the U.N. crowd spent a fortune on the Clintons since 1990. They expected a big payoff in 2016, They came up empty. A win in 2020 is their last chance to recoup all the dough they have been spending on Hillary Clinton since 1992.


I said this in March of last year:

Knowing that Hillary never told the truth about anything I immediately thought about a deadlocked convention; engineered by the Clinton machine, and George Soros money, in order to deny Obama a second term. Obama’s lies about the Affordable Care Act that he signed put his reelection at risk. That was the opening they needed.

After a few days of non-stop media mouths peeing themselves with excitement Clinton would graciously accept the draft to break the deadlock. In that way she would have avoided an expensive, grueling, primary campaign, while she got the brass ring without looking like a liar —— again.

As 2012 turned out the convention was not deadlocked because Obama bought off George Soros by promising Hillary Clinton the secretary of state job. Secretary of State Clinton Hillary did not disappoint Soros.

With all of those Democrat clowns lining up for 2020 I think Hillary sees a real chance that delegates will draft her in a deadlocked convention this time. She might be tired and worn-out in her dotage, but she ain’t dead yet.


Dick Morris who gets the credit for Bubba’s second term says Micheal Bloomberg’s money instead of Soros money.

A former adviser to President Bill Clinton speculated that Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton are plotting a way for her to become the 2020 Democratic nominee even though she’s not in the race.

“Here’s the deal that I think is going down. I think Hillary and Bloomberg have gotten together and cooked up a scheme,” Dick Morris told John Catsimatidis on The Cats Roundtable radio show on Sunday.

He said Bloomberg would stay in the race, even if he has no chance of winning, in an effort to get at least enough support to keep Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders from running away with the nomination.

“Nobody will be nominated on the first ballot, and it’ll go to a second ballot,” Morris said of a brokered convention. “The problem is that the party establishment doesn’t have a candidate. They can’t do Bloomberg because he got killed in the debate. … Can’t do [Joe] Biden because he’s already lost the front-runner status. … [Pete] Buttigieg looks like a high school kid at the Model UN. … [Elizabeth] Warren is third, but she’s pretty far to the Left, and they’re not going to want to trust her.”

Morris said Sanders, the current front-runner, would “get massacred by Trump” in the general election and predicted that Clinton, the 2016 nominee, would enter the race on a second ballot at a brokered convention.

“And then Hillary begins to gain; the other candidates begin to drop out. And Hillary is the nominee. That, I think, is the establishment scenario,” he said. “Hillary is the only candidate that they’ll be able to come up with that can measure up to Donald Trump.”

Clinton said in November that she was receiving a number of calls urging her to rethink her decision to sit out of the 2020 race but said it was “absolutely not” in her plans. When asked earlier this month if she would consider being a vice presidential candidate, Clinton reluctantly conceded an openness to the idea.

“I never say never because I do believe in serving my country, but it’s not going to happen,” she said.

The Drudge Report reported last week that Bloomberg was considering Clinton as his running mate, but the former secretary of state said she had no interest.

Ex-Bill Clinton adviser: Bloomberg and Hillary cooking up 'scheme' for her to become Democratic nominee
by Caitlin Yilek
February 23, 2020 11:16 AM


Consider this: Bloomberg and Soros conspire with the U.N. crowd to give the old hag the nomination. That scenario is closer to the truth than television mouths promoting clowns 24-7 for months on end because television ‘journalists’ are ‘fair, balanced, and unafraid.’

Indeed, setting up Hillary for the nomination smells like the reason television mouths have been selling circus clowns like they are cotton candy. Hell, a few of the clowns are so wacko they might be in on the scam. I cannot think of any other reason for television mouths reporting on circus clowns like they are presidential timber.

Finally, the clowns took in more money in campaign donations for their war chests than they could have earned performing in a real circus.