Hillary Joke

Q. How many Hillarys does it take to change a light bulb?

A. None. If there's any screwing to be done then Bill's gonna do it, damnit.

I have made it clear that I will vote against the Rebutlickens in the fall now matter whom the Demoncrat candidate is. Esp if Mr. Pro War McCain is the Rebutlicken nominee.
Hillary is populist enough that I think she will work towards getting our boys home.
Over McCain, yes I would... That says something very sad about McCain.

I wouldn't vote for either over the other. I'd vote third party.

I couldn't handle the blood on my hands from voting for either warmonger, but it will be a poor reflection indeed on our society if this is the matchup.
I wouldn't vote for either over the other. I'd vote third party.

I couldn't handle the blood on my hands from voting for either warmonger, but it will be a poor reflection indeed on our society if this is the matchup.

I belive some progress is better than none.
I belive some progress is better than none.

2 drops of blood is better than a gallon?

No thanks. I'm squeamish.

I'll vote for the bloodless hands of Rep. Ron Paul, and if the general is Warmonger (McCain) vs. War Enabler (Hillary) I'll vote third party.