Hillary lost, Trump won!


New member
Lefties, have you come to realize that Hillary lost the election yet? You guys have been trying to overturn the election results for almost two years now. Do you think the next two years might be better used figuring out how to win in 2020, or do you think two more years of trying to undo the last election makes the most sense?

BTW, Hillary lost, Trump won!
Woo Hoo!

Yawn. I am a progressive who voted for Jill so to suggest I am in denial that Hillary lost misses the mark so badly that you practically shoot yourself in the ass.
Well you're no fun. I like it when TDS lefties squirm.

I'm sorry. Let's have a do-over: Trump being the puppet of Putin violates the Constitutional requirement that the real POTUS be an American so he is the illegitimate criminal co-conspirator who will have his win vacated by one of our hometown judges n Oregon who wants their name in the paper. Just wait and see!!!!!
I'm sorry. Let's have a do-over: Trump being the puppet of Putin violates the Constitutional requirement that the real POTUS be an American so he is the illegitimate criminal co-conspirator who will have his win vacated by one of our hometown judges n Oregon who wants their name in the paper. Just wait and see!!!!!

I'm sure they are working this angle already..
Rightys are nuts. The left discovered Trump won . He was sworn in Jan. 20th. We know that Russia and voter suppression helped him win. But the election is not under protest. We are stuck due to you righyts not understanding facts. Quit crying. We are all living through your vulpine alternate reality.
We know that Russia and voter suppression helped him win.

How do you "know" this? Maybe you should pass along what you "know" to Mueller? Mueller has been looking for what you "know" for a long time now, I'm sure he would appreciate the tip.

BTW, Hillary lost, and Trump won!