Hillary vs Putin


New member
Saw a cartoon that said "The difference between Hillary and Putin is that Putin can win an election that is rigged in his favor".
Saw a cartoon that said "The difference between Hillary and Putin is that Putin can win an election that is rigged in his favor".

Hillary Clinton fires back at critics: No one told a man who lost an election to shut up

This is one bitter woman who just doesn't get it.. No one told other losers to shut up because they weren't going around the country then world on an excuses tour. They were doing constructive things in their lives. They moved on. hrc can't and won't.
Hillary Clinton fires back at critics: No one told a man who lost an election to shut up

This is one bitter woman who just doesn't get it.. No one told other losers to shut up because they weren't going around the country then world on an excuses tour. They were doing constructive things in their lives. They moved on. hrc can't and won't.

The only people paying attention to Hillary are conservatives. She gives a speech at a women's club in Iowa and Fox sends a team of reporters, nobody else cares what she says, or does, conservatives just can't find a new scapegoat to blame everything on, then again, she sells on the right
Are you expecting Robert Mueller to call you with his evidence?
Investigation has been on going for over a year and not one shred of evidence that the election was effected by Russian involvement. Oh some may be and are charged with dealing with the Russians but that is a far cry from the election being influenced by the Russians. Keep dreaming snow flake it didn't happen.
Investigation has been on going for over a year and not one shred of evidence that the election was effected by Russian involvement. Oh some may be and are charged with dealing with the Russians but that is a far cry from the election being influenced by the Russians. Keep dreaming snow flake it didn't happen.

I have asked Mueller to call you this afternoon and give you a complete run down of all the evidence he has.
I have asked Mueller to call you this afternoon and give you a complete run down of all the evidence he has.

You just don't get it do you? In order for the Russians to have had an effect on the election they would have had to hack every county and state voting machines or sway enough people in every county and state to switch their vote! That is a fact!!! The Russians had no overall effect on the election!

You just don't get it do you? In order for the Russians to have had an effect on the election they would have had to hack every county and state voting machines or sway enough people in every county and state to switch their vote! That is a fact!!! The Russians had no overall effect on the election!


The russians spent millions getting trump elected, that is a fact!
Investigation has been on going for over a year and not one shred of evidence that the election was effected by Russian involvement. Oh some may be and are charged with dealing with the Russians but that is a far cry from the election being influenced by the Russians. Keep dreaming snow flake it didn't happen.

spin, spin, spin.
Hey Russiafan err floridafan if Russia wanted Trump elected so badly then why is Russian/American relations sliding towards another Cold War?