Hillary Vs. The Founders


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I began my day today thinking about the genius of the founders of these United States. My thoughts went directly to the electoral college and the genius of that alone. That subject was stimulated in me because of the news that Hillary Clinton is now traveling the world preaching the political gospel to the Europeans blaming our founders idiocy for creating the electoral college that she now claims lost her the election for the Presidency. Except for the "idiocy" part, Madam Hillary was finally right about something.

Now for the genius of the electoral college. Hillary Clinton is a walking, talking perfect example of why the founders created the electoral college. They did it so that the states with the most population could not control the Presidency of the United States with a majority popular vote and thereby leave the less populated states without a representative in the White House motivated to give a bleeping crap about them. In such a popular vote scenario, in modern day America the electoral college vote is even more necessary than it was in the days of our founders because, the popular vote from the states along the two coast in America would own the Presidency and those lesser populated states in the middle of our country would never have a friend or promoter in the White House, i.e. the population of our nation in our costal states is in a vast majority as compared to the rest of our states. Hillary Clinton would have won the election for the Presidency by a humungous landslide and the farmers and shop keepers and factory workers in the middle of the nation might had just as well stayed home on election day never to be represented by a President that had any motivation to give a flying bleep about them.

If I have to decide between the mental genus of todays party hacks and politicians and the mental genius of our founders, the OLD BOYS of yesteryear win every time! Besides, the popular vote can be and has been at times a bleeping mob rule known as a "democracy."
Did you figure out that women and blacks would not have been allowed to vote? Did that factor in? Or that we had 13 states and not the lobsided population in states like we have now. 40 million in California and 600 K in Wyoming? Did you consider that?
Did you figure out that women and blacks would not have been allowed to vote? Did that factor in? Or that we had 13 states and not the lobsided population in states like we have now. 40 million in California and 600 K in Wyoming? Did you consider that?

I would have to research the 13 States populations to give you an educated answer, but I do believe that New York and Virginia were probably quite a bit more heavily populated than most of the rest, don't you? Any respectful reading of American history and the founders reasoning for the text of our Constitution gives plenty of evidence for their motives for all that got into the Constitution. Even if none of that were true, (it is), the fact remains that today New York and California and a few other coastal states would own the Presidency and leave middle states America unrepresented by a White House without the electoral college. A situation I hope to never see. Hillary Clinton is a crybaby bimbo in my opinion. Not to mention she's an incompetent and a felon.
I would have to research the 13 States populations to give you an educated answer, but I do believe that New York and Virginia were probably quite a bit more heavily populated than most of the rest, don't you? Any respectful reading of American history and the founders reasoning for the text of our Constitution gives plenty of evidence for their motives for all that got into the Constitution. Even if none of that were true, (it is), the fact remains that today New York and California and a few other coastal states would own the Presidency and leave middle states America unrepresented by a White House without the electoral college. A situation I hope to never see. Hillary Clinton is a crybaby bimbo in my opinion. Not to mention she's an incompetent and a felon.

And you are a liar
I would have to research the 13 States populations to give you an educated answer, but I do believe that New York and Virginia were probably quite a bit more heavily populated than most of the rest, don't you? Any respectful reading of American history and the founders reasoning for the text of our Constitution gives plenty of evidence for their motives for all that got into the Constitution. Even if none of that were true, (it is), the fact remains that today New York and California and a few other coastal states would own the Presidency and leave middle states America unrepresented by a White House without the electoral college. A situation I hope to never see. Hillary Clinton is a crybaby bimbo in my opinion. Not to mention she's an incompetent and a felon.

Did you figure out that women and blacks would not have been allowed to vote? Did that factor in? Or that we had 13 states and not the lobsided population in states like we have now. 40 million in California and 600 K in Wyoming? Did you consider that?

wyoming has 3 electoral votes, california has 55. did you consider that?
Exactly wrong. What felony did is she guilty of? Being too smart for conservatives to understand?

It appears, as usual, you did not read nor comprehend the bolded part of of the statement that I agree with. You have proven many times here that you are a product of the failed public education system in this country. Obviously the first class where the "too stupid to fail" policy was utilized.
I began my day today thinking about the genius of the founders of these United States. My thoughts went directly to the electoral college and the genius of that alone. That subject was stimulated in me because of the news that Hillary Clinton is now traveling the world preaching the political gospel to the Europeans blaming our founders idiocy for creating the electoral college that she now claims lost her the election for the Presidency. Except for the "idiocy" part, Madam Hillary was finally right about something.

Now for the genius of the electoral college. Hillary Clinton is a walking, talking perfect example of why the founders created the electoral college. They did it so that the states with the most population could not control the Presidency of the United States with a majority popular vote and thereby leave the less populated states without a representative in the White House motivated to give a bleeping crap about them. In such a popular vote scenario, in modern day America the electoral college vote is even more necessary than it was in the days of our founders because, the popular vote from the states along the two coast in America would own the Presidency and those lesser populated states in the middle of our country would never have a friend or promoter in the White House, i.e. the population of our nation in our costal states is in a vast majority as compared to the rest of our states. Hillary Clinton would have won the election for the Presidency by a humungous landslide and the farmers and shop keepers and factory workers in the middle of the nation might had just as well stayed home on election day never to be represented by a President that had any motivation to give a flying bleep about them.

If I have to decide between the mental genus of todays party hacks and politicians and the mental genius of our founders, the OLD BOYS of yesteryear win every time! Besides, the popular vote can be and has been at times a bleeping mob rule known as a "democracy."

What's your problem? Hillary is out of the picture. However, if you were awake Trump ranted and raved and trashed the Electoral College in 2012.

And, of course in the run up to his election he claimed millions of illegals voted and he was the victim of a rigged system.

I happen to be for it and wouldn't change the Electoral College..
It is about the senate. Wyoming has 2 senators representing about 300 K citizens each. California's senators represent 20 million each. Not well balanced is it?

then get busy amending the constitution, not that you fuckers haven't screwed it up already. there was a reason why senators weren't popularly elected, save for you socialist democrats.
ignore the state lines and draw the representatives by groupings of 733,000 people. Nothing holy about some lines on a map.