Hillary’s Master’s Degree


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Take away her illegal alien votes and she did not win the popular vote:

Hillary: Maybe We Need ‘Rematch’ with Me and Trump, ‘I Can Beat Him Again’
by Ian Hanchett
8 Oct 2019




Hillary Clinton continues to lie about a popular vote victory. The lie is in winning a rigged election in those states that were heavily populated by illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees. The lie morphed into the federal government conspiring to rig the election in 2020. The lie includes forcing red cites to accept U.N. refugees. Hillary’s lie is now a well-executed conspiracy aimed at winning the Electoral Collage; i.e., turn enough red congressional districts to blue. (Economic refugees already sent one of their own to Congress —— Ilhan Omar.)

Rigging elections by stuffing ballot-boxes with illegal aliens and economic refugees works to perfection for every Democrat in the general election. Free-stuff voters always vote for the Democrat. Now that Joe Biden and the dirty old Commie, Bernie Sanders, are stone-cold dead figuratively, a nomination fight is brewing between Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren in a deadlocked convention.

Warren is is no slouch when it comes to lying, but Clinton has a big edge among Democrat delegates in the party of liars. In short: The biggest liar always wins the nomination among Democrats. The convention will come down to a battle between Elizabeth “Baron Munchausen” Warren and Hillary “Nurse Ratchet” Clinton.

In addition to permanent ownership of the title Biggest Liar, Clinton enjoys another big advantage over Warren —— Hillary Clinton is soaked in blood —— a big plus among Democrat baby killers.


Hillary Clinton got her master’s degree in lying long before Elizabeth Warren lied about her Cherokee ancestry. If I was advising Cherokee Warren, I would tell her to drown Clinton in blood. Sad to say, Warren can lie with the best of them, but she does not have the guts to tell the truth about another Democrat.

Finally, calling the Democrat Party the party of liars is more than a conservative talking point. Democrats began lying about every policy they stood for because they dared not tell the truth about what they had in store for the country. (Did you ever hear a Democrat campaign on open-borders 60 years ago?)

After policy lies began winning elections it did not take much for Democrats to begin lying about everything. The lies they tell about Bret Kavanaugh, and now the lies about the Ukraine impeachment conspiracy, are the end of a long march that started decades ago. Telling lies about opponents is now a permanent fixture in the party of liars.

Bottom line: Television liars made the politics of personal destruction an acceptable Democrat Party campaign strategy to win elections. That is what President Trump is up against in 2020.
We know, those millions and millions of illegal immigrants who voted, the same ones who celebrated 9/11 in Jersey
Take away her illegal alien votes and she did not win the popular vote:

Hillary: Maybe We Need ‘Rematch’ with Me and Trump, ‘I Can Beat Him Again’
by Ian Hanchett
8 Oct 2019


Hillary Clinton continues to lie about a popular vote victory. The lie is in winning a rigged election in those states that were heavily populated by illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees. The lie morphed into the federal government conspiring to rig the election in 2020. The lie includes forcing red cites to accept U.N. refugees. Hillary’s lie is now a well-executed conspiracy aimed at winning the Electoral Collage; i.e., turn enough red congressional districts to blue. (Economic refugees already sent one of their own to Congress —— Ilhan Omar.)

Rigging elections by stuffing ballot-boxes with illegal aliens and economic refugees works to perfection for every Democrat in the general election. Free-stuff voters always vote for the Democrat. Now that Joe Biden and the dirty old Commie, Bernie Sanders, are stone-cold dead figuratively, a nomination fight is brewing between Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren in a deadlocked convention.

Warren is is no slouch when it comes to lying, but Clinton has a big edge among Democrat delegates in the party of liars. In short: The biggest liar always wins the nomination among Democrats. The convention will come down to a battle between Elizabeth “Baron Munchausen” Warren and Hillary “Nurse Ratchet” Clinton.

In addition to permanent ownership of the title Biggest Liar, Clinton enjoys another big advantage over Warren —— Hillary Clinton is soaked in blood —— a big plus among Democrat baby killers.


Hillary Clinton got her master’s degree in lying long before Elizabeth Warren lied about her Cherokee ancestry. If I was advising Cherokee Warren, I would tell her to drown Clinton in blood. Sad to say, Warren can lie with the best of them, but she does not have the guts to tell the truth about another Democrat.

Finally, calling the Democrat Party the party of liars is more than a conservative talking point. Democrats began lying about every policy they stood for because they dared not tell the truth about what they had in store for the country. (Did you ever hear a Democrat campaign on open-borders 60 years ago?)

After policy lies began winning elections it did not take much for Democrats to begin lying about everything. The lies they tell about Bret Kavanaugh, and now the lies about the Ukraine impeachment conspiracy, are the end of a long march that started decades ago. Telling lies about opponents is now a permanent fixture in the party of liars.

Bottom line: Television liars made the politics of personal destruction an acceptable Democrat Party campaign strategy to win elections. That is what President Trump is up against in 2020.

The Donald told us there were 3 million illegal votes cast. He has had three years to prove it, but alas he hasn't produced any illegal votes, let alone 3 million.
The Donald told us there were 3 million illegal votes cast. He has had three years to prove it, but alas he hasn't produced any illegal votes, let alone 3 million.

To floridafan: Hold off until after the October Surprise in 2020:

● October 2017: Corruption in Voting! Los Angeles has 144% of Those Eligible to Vote on Voting Rolls.

● As reported by the National Review's Deroy Murdock, "some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America's adult citizens..." Murdock counted Judicial Watch's state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That's 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls "ghost voters."

● California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters and 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton.

● September 2017: Hundreds of Illegal Voters Revealed in Philadelphia: non-U.S. citizens registered to vote in Philly and nearly half of them voted in past elections.

● September 2017: 248 counties have more voters than eligible citizens. Lowndes County, Alabama, has been accused of having 131 percent of its total eligible population on its list of registered voters. Another 247 counties have the same problem.

● From the same article by Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily.com: Kentucky has 41 counties with more voters than residents, Michigan 32, Iowa 31, Illinois 22, Mississippi 19, Colorado 17, Texas 12, Alabama 12, South Dakota 12, Nebraska 9, Georgia 6, New York 6, West Virginia 6, New Mexico 5, North Carolina 5, California 2, Louisiana 2, Montana 2, Virginia 2, Arizona 1 and Florida 1.

● September 2017: The NY Post reported about "the endless rigging of NY politics."

● September 2017: An election supervisor in Broward County, Florida, testified in court that both noncitizens and felons have voted illegally in her county – just as then-candidate Trump asserted, to the howling denials of leftists and their media whores.

● In the second meeting of the Commission on Election Integrity, held on Sept. 12, 2017, computer expert Ken Block found approximately 8,500 voters who voted in two different states in the November 2016 election, including 200 couples who voted illegally together. He estimated that "there would be 40,000 duplicate votes if data from every state were available."

● A Commission on Election Integrity reports that "voter history data from only 21 states...found that 8,471 votes in 2016 were 'highly likely' duplicates. Extrapolating this to all 50 states would likely produce, with 'high-confidence,' around 45,000 duplicate votes.

● Hillary won New Hampshire by fewer than 3,000 votes out of over 700,000 cast. (NH was one of the states that refused to turn over its data for this study, and it is one of only 15 states that allow same- day voter registration). If 74.8 percent of the 5,513 fraudulent votes were cast for Clinton, then the presidential election in New Hampshire was tipped as well.

● According to a riveting article by Kris Kobach, statistics released by the Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives on the date of the general election in November 2016, there were 6,540 same-day registrants who voted in New Hampshire using an out-of-state driver's license to prove their identity. But further research proved that over 5,000 were not legitimate, more than enough to swing an election!

● August 2017: Judicial Watch reported that Mass. state employees sold drivers' licenses and state identification cards to illegal immigrants...according to the Depart. of Justice (DOJ). Also that there is "an epidemic of voter fraud in the U.S." and the case in Boston "occurred in multiple cases," a matter being investigated by JW's five-year-old Election Integrity Project.

● On August 18, 2017 Tyler Durden wrote a column on Zero Hedge titled "U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults – A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud."

● Virginia's Governor Terry McAuliffe has said he has no intention of honoring the new commission's request for information because "there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in Virginia." This is the same guy who enabled over 60,000 felons to vote in the presidential election last November, the same slick operator who gave over $700,000 dollars to acting FBI director Andrew McCabe's wife who was running in a local race. Yes, that McCabe, who just coincidentally was running the FBI investigation into Hillary's use of a home-made e-mail server.

● Last June, California's Election Integrity Project (EIP), in a routine audit of CA's new VoteCal voter registration database, found that five counties alone accounted for nearly one-million more registered voters than citizens of voting age!

● Officials in College Park, Maryland, don't like President Trump's voter fraud commission and are considering giving noncitizens voting rights, a longstanding practice elsewhere in the state. In Maryland, Judicial Watch sued Montgomery County last month after finding more registered voters than citizens of voting age.

● According to California political commentator Stephan Frank, "Thanks to [Obama's] "leadership," five-million (not a typo) of those granted United States citizenship CANNOT speak or read English."

● 'Substantial Evidence' Over a Million Illegal Aliens Voted in 2016

All of the above cases, from just the past few months, involve Democrat voter fraud and this is the teeniest tiniest tip of the iceberg!

President Trump targets voter fraud – Dems go insane!
By Joan Swirsky
November 7, 2017

Take away her illegal alien votes and she did not win the popular vote:

Hillary: Maybe We Need ‘Rematch’ with Me and Trump, ‘I Can Beat Him Again’
by Ian Hanchett
8 Oct 2019


Hillary Clinton continues to lie about a popular vote victory. The lie is in winning a rigged election in those states that were heavily populated by illegal aliens and United Nations economic refugees. The lie morphed into the federal government conspiring to rig the election in 2020. The lie includes forcing red cites to accept U.N. refugees. Hillary’s lie is now a well-executed conspiracy aimed at winning the Electoral Collage; i.e., turn enough red congressional districts to blue. (Economic refugees already sent one of their own to Congress —— Ilhan Omar.)

Rigging elections by stuffing ballot-boxes with illegal aliens and economic refugees works to perfection for every Democrat in the general election. Free-stuff voters always vote for the Democrat. Now that Joe Biden and the dirty old Commie, Bernie Sanders, are stone-cold dead figuratively, a nomination fight is brewing between Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren in a deadlocked convention.

Warren is is no slouch when it comes to lying, but Clinton has a big edge among Democrat delegates in the party of liars. In short: The biggest liar always wins the nomination among Democrats. The convention will come down to a battle between Elizabeth “Baron Munchausen” Warren and Hillary “Nurse Ratchet” Clinton.

In addition to permanent ownership of the title Biggest Liar, Clinton enjoys another big advantage over Warren —— Hillary Clinton is soaked in blood —— a big plus among Democrat baby killers.


Hillary Clinton got her master’s degree in lying long before Elizabeth Warren lied about her Cherokee ancestry. If I was advising Cherokee Warren, I would tell her to drown Clinton in blood. Sad to say, Warren can lie with the best of them, but she does not have the guts to tell the truth about another Democrat.

Finally, calling the Democrat Party the party of liars is more than a conservative talking point. Democrats began lying about every policy they stood for because they dared not tell the truth about what they had in store for the country. (Did you ever hear a Democrat campaign on open-borders 60 years ago?)

After policy lies began winning elections it did not take much for Democrats to begin lying about everything. The lies they tell about Bret Kavanaugh, and now the lies about the Ukraine impeachment conspiracy, are the end of a long march that started decades ago. Telling lies about opponents is now a permanent fixture in the party of liars.

Bottom line: Television liars made the politics of personal destruction an acceptable Democrat Party campaign strategy to win elections. That is what President Trump is up against in 2020.

You are correct. I've read estimates of anywhere from three to TEN million illegal votes for the Hildabeast. And three million is thought to be a very LOW estimate. Unfortunately President Trump is going to have to deal with illegal and DEAD voters as well as ballot harvesting next year. I don't think it will matter, he SHOULD win by a landslide no matter how much the Dim Dems WILL cheat.
You are correct. I've read estimates of anywhere from three to TEN million illegal votes for the Hildabeast. And three million is thought to be a very LOW estimate. Unfortunately President Trump is going to have to deal with illegal and DEAD voters as well as ballot harvesting next year. I don't think it will matter, he SHOULD win by a landslide no matter how much the Dim Dems WILL cheat.

Billions, I mean if you are going to fly with unsubstantiated numbers, might as well go big
Now that Joe Biden and the dirty old Commie, Bernie Sanders, are stone-cold dead figuratively,. . .

I studied Bernie’s face and his general physical appearance in a few clips after his heart attack. I did not see him dying in the immediate future, but to me he looked like a major candidate for a massive stroke.

Bernie Sanders’s Heart Attack Adds to Woe in Already Faltering Campaign
Laura Litvan
October 10, 2019

The Donald told us there were 3 million illegal votes cast. He has had three years to prove it, but alas he hasn't produced any illegal votes, let alone 3 million.

You, and other idiots on the left, keep mentioning Hillary won by 3 million popular votes when there were only a total of 538 votes that actually count cast in the election.
If supposedly massive voter fraud was easily proven, why has it not been proven?

Two dozen close associates of trump are currently in prison, because their crimes were PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt. The Alt Right keeps telling us they can easily prove there was millions of illegal votes. So why have they refused to present that evidence in court? It does not make sense.
If supposedly massive voter fraud was easily proven, why has it not been proven?

Two dozen close associates of trump are currently in prison, because their crimes were PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt. The Alt Right keeps telling us they can easily prove there was millions of illegal votes. So why have they refused to present that evidence in court? It does not make sense.

It makes no sense at all...but that is in keeping with the American Right's desire to make as little sense as possible at all times.
Stop the butt hurt, GOPers.

There were no demonstrated illegal voters.

If you have evidence that indicates a significant effect on the election, you have a duty to report it.