Hipster cat


Me and grind are culturally similar to the hipsters. A hipster is basically a grind or a watermark taken to ridiculous hyperbole. And they dress different.
ive hung out with lots of hipsters by going to many indie shows, and i dress semi-preppyish. if they ever eye me the wrong way silently judging me i will just talk condescendingly to them and tell them i'm obviously being ironic.
if they ever eye me the wrong way silently judging me i will just talk condescendingly to them and tell them i'm obviously being ironic.
Sheeseh where I went to school when some emo preppy did that we'd grab him by the neck, drag him outside and kick his punk ass till he learned how to respect people. It worked too.
I wonder if that's the T-Rex from the Field Museum? I heard they went to a great deal of trouble to make it's posture anatomically correct.

When I first saw it back when I was in high school (and shortly after dino's went extinct) it was in an upright posture.
I wonder if that's the T-Rex from the Field Museum? I heard they went to a great deal of trouble to make it's posture anatomically correct.

When I first saw it back when I was in high school (and shortly after dino's went extinct) it was in an upright posture.

That was when you were in an upright posture too. A long time ago.