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Sex scandals are usually about infidelity, or men abusing women. Epstein and his pals abused female children.

Pedophile priests is only a scandal because it is about an institution rather then guilty individuals. The real scandal is why it took centuries for the truth to surface.

Homosexual Democrats usually skate. Had a conservative been remotely connected to male prostitution he would have done jail time. I said “he” because Democrat lesbians abusing young girls simply do not exist in media boardrooms.

Barney Fag was not even ostracized by the House for this scandal:

Rep. Frank Admits Employing Male Prostitute as Aide : Says He Fired Him After Learning Sex Was Being Sold Out of His Capitol Apartment
August 26, 1989


I gotta give Michelle Malkin a big attagirl for reporting there is a chance Democrat Terry Bean might not skate:

Well, well, well. “Follow the facts,” Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political financier Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking indictment this week. Some of “our faves” could be implicated in the long-festering scandal, the Pelosi daughter warned, so it’s time to “let the chips fall where they may.”

Too bad Ms. Pelosi’s mommy hasn’t adopted that same attitude of accountability. While serving as the highest-ranking elected woman in America for decades, San Fran Nan has chronically downplayed, whitewashed or excused the sleazy habits and alleged sexual improprieties of a long parade of Dem pervs – from former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to former New York Reps. Eric Massa and Anthony Wiener to former Oregon Rep. David Wu to former Michigan Rep. John Conyers and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Since the woke-ty woke Democrats are now gung-ho on undoing special treatment of wealthy liberal sex creeps, perhaps they will soon be revisiting the matter of two of their other “faves,” Oregon real estate mogul and deep-pocketed left-wing White House donor Terry Bean and West Hollywood Clinton pal Ed Buck.

Here, let me help.

Terry Bean is the prominent gay-rights activist who co-founded the influential Human Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the HRC Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned “anti-bullying” material to children’s schools nationwide.

Like Epstein, Bean had a penchant for rubbing elbows and riding on planes with the powerful. Upon doling out more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama and the Democrats in 2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force One ride with Obama. His Flickr account boasted glitzy pics with Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton.

Like Epstein, Bean also had a thing for young minors. In 2014, a grand jury charged him with horrifying sexual abuse allegations involving multiple victims – including a 15-year-old boy. After a sweeping investigation led by the Portland police department’s sex crime units and two county district attorney’s offices, authorities charged Bean with two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one misdemeanor count of third-degree sex abuse. His 20-something boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, was indicted on third-degree sodomy and third-degree sexual abuse.

Allegations of Bean’s lurid sexual trysts with young men, which Lawson says the Democratic donor secretly videotaped, first surfaced in the local Willamette Week newspaper five years ago. Police say the pair enticed a 15-year-old boy to a hotel in Eugene, Oregon, after meeting him through the iPhone app Grinder, which helps men locate “local gay, bi and curious guys for dating.”

Bean wriggled out of prosecution by publicly dangling $220,000 as a cash “compromise” with the alleged victim, who then suddenly refused to testify against him. A judge in the county where the politically influential Bean family reigned promptly dismissed the charges. Case closed? Not so fast.

In January, government investigators filed new charges against Bean and Lawson after the alleged underage victim, now an adult, revealed that he had been ripped off by his attorney, who reportedly never delivered Bean’s payoff. The criminal trial is scheduled to begin in August. In May, a second alleged juvenile victim of Bean’s came forward with a civil lawsuit alleging the Dem donor sexually abused him three times when he was 17. The state Democratic Party and several federal officials who have received donations from Bean have declined to return the money.

Then there’s Ed Buck, another Democratic gay rights leader and moneyman whose West Hollywood den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black men he allegedly paid for sex and drugs. An independent journalist/blogger, Jasmyne Cannick, who has investigated Buck’s sordid activities for several years, warned authorities that the influential campaign contributor was a “predator” who lured vulnerable minority men into his filthy orbit. This week, the mother of one of the dead men alleged Buck violated federal human trafficking laws and “knowingly utilized interstate commerce” to entice the victim to California “for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts.” Family members will mark the two-year anniversary of the death of one of the victims, Gemmel Moore, at the end of this month.

Buck has donated more than a half-million dollars to top California Democrats including current Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Gov. Jerry Brown, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, and L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey.

That’s a lot of chips falling in the coffers of the party that claims to care most about sex assault and human trafficking victims.

Will Pelosi “follow the facts,” like her daughter recommends, or continue to cover up?

Epstein, Bean & Buck: Dem donors' sex-creep club
Posted By Michelle Malkin On 07/10/2019 @ 5:42 pm


p.s. Why are the details in this bombshell still ignored by the MSM?

Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president
Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret
Published: 09/11/2012 at 9:53 PM



Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!
'Matchmaker' Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'provided cover for gays'
Published: 10/02/2012 at 8:12 PM


Sex scandals are usually about infidelity, or men abusing women. Epstein and his pals abused female children.

Pedophile priests is only a scandal because it is about an institution rather then guilty individuals. The real scandal is why it took centuries for the truth to surface.

Homosexual Democrats usually skate. Had a conservative been remotely connected to male prostitution he would have done jail time. I said “he” because Democrat lesbians abusing young girls simply do not exist in media boardrooms.

Barney Fag was not even ostracized by the House for this scandal:

Rep. Frank Admits Employing Male Prostitute as Aide : Says He Fired Him After Learning Sex Was Being Sold Out of His Capitol Apartment
August 26, 1989


I gotta give Michelle Malkin a big attagirl for reporting there is a chance Democrat Terry Bean might not skate:

Well, well, well. “Follow the facts,” Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political financier Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking indictment this week. Some of “our faves” could be implicated in the long-festering scandal, the Pelosi daughter warned, so it’s time to “let the chips fall where they may.”

Too bad Ms. Pelosi’s mommy hasn’t adopted that same attitude of accountability. While serving as the highest-ranking elected woman in America for decades, San Fran Nan has chronically downplayed, whitewashed or excused the sleazy habits and alleged sexual improprieties of a long parade of Dem pervs – from former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to former New York Reps. Eric Massa and Anthony Wiener to former Oregon Rep. David Wu to former Michigan Rep. John Conyers and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Since the woke-ty woke Democrats are now gung-ho on undoing special treatment of wealthy liberal sex creeps, perhaps they will soon be revisiting the matter of two of their other “faves,” Oregon real estate mogul and deep-pocketed left-wing White House donor Terry Bean and West Hollywood Clinton pal Ed Buck.

Here, let me help.

Terry Bean is the prominent gay-rights activist who co-founded the influential Human Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the HRC Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned “anti-bullying” material to children’s schools nationwide.

Like Epstein, Bean had a penchant for rubbing elbows and riding on planes with the powerful. Upon doling out more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama and the Democrats in 2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force One ride with Obama. His Flickr account boasted glitzy pics with Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton.

Like Epstein, Bean also had a thing for young minors. In 2014, a grand jury charged him with horrifying sexual abuse allegations involving multiple victims – including a 15-year-old boy. After a sweeping investigation led by the Portland police department’s sex crime units and two county district attorney’s offices, authorities charged Bean with two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one misdemeanor count of third-degree sex abuse. His 20-something boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, was indicted on third-degree sodomy and third-degree sexual abuse.

Allegations of Bean’s lurid sexual trysts with young men, which Lawson says the Democratic donor secretly videotaped, first surfaced in the local Willamette Week newspaper five years ago. Police say the pair enticed a 15-year-old boy to a hotel in Eugene, Oregon, after meeting him through the iPhone app Grinder, which helps men locate “local gay, bi and curious guys for dating.”

Bean wriggled out of prosecution by publicly dangling $220,000 as a cash “compromise” with the alleged victim, who then suddenly refused to testify against him. A judge in the county where the politically influential Bean family reigned promptly dismissed the charges. Case closed? Not so fast.

In January, government investigators filed new charges against Bean and Lawson after the alleged underage victim, now an adult, revealed that he had been ripped off by his attorney, who reportedly never delivered Bean’s payoff. The criminal trial is scheduled to begin in August. In May, a second alleged juvenile victim of Bean’s came forward with a civil lawsuit alleging the Dem donor sexually abused him three times when he was 17. The state Democratic Party and several federal officials who have received donations from Bean have declined to return the money.

Then there’s Ed Buck, another Democratic gay rights leader and moneyman whose West Hollywood den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black men he allegedly paid for sex and drugs. An independent journalist/blogger, Jasmyne Cannick, who has investigated Buck’s sordid activities for several years, warned authorities that the influential campaign contributor was a “predator” who lured vulnerable minority men into his filthy orbit. This week, the mother of one of the dead men alleged Buck violated federal human trafficking laws and “knowingly utilized interstate commerce” to entice the victim to California “for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts.” Family members will mark the two-year anniversary of the death of one of the victims, Gemmel Moore, at the end of this month.

Buck has donated more than a half-million dollars to top California Democrats including current Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Gov. Jerry Brown, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, and L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey.

That’s a lot of chips falling in the coffers of the party that claims to care most about sex assault and human trafficking victims.

Will Pelosi “follow the facts,” like her daughter recommends, or continue to cover up?

Epstein, Bean & Buck: Dem donors' sex-creep club
Posted By Michelle Malkin On 07/10/2019 @ 5:42 pm


p.s. Why are the details in this bombshell still ignored by the MSM?

Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president
Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret
Published: 09/11/2012 at 9:53 PM



Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!
'Matchmaker' Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'provided cover for gays'
Published: 10/02/2012 at 8:12 PM

Jerome Corsi is a nutbag. He was an original birther, and this is another fabricated lie of his. Stop wasting your mind.
Sex scandals are usually about infidelity, or men abusing women. Epstein and his pals abused female children.


This July 27, 2006 arrest file photo made available by the Palm Beach, Fla., Sheriff's Office shows Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy financier and convicted sex offender, who was arrested in New York on sex trafficking charges. (AP Photo/Palm Beach Sheriff's Office, File)

In his article in the New Republic Warren Breckman described liberalism as a moral condition, a state of behavior and mind. He quotes a 1920s contributor to the same magazine, John Dewey, who argued there were 'two streams' of liberalism — "one was anchored in laissez-faire economics, worshipped the 'gospel of individualism,' and served as a toady of big industry and banking. The other was humanitarian and open to government interventions and social legislation" But the true American liberalism, wrote Dewey, stood for “liberality and generosity, especially of mind and character.”

Dewey never met Bill Clinton:

John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
Kelly OConnell Sunday, February 24, 2013


For almost two millennia, [Helena] Rosenblatt contends, being liberal meant displaying the civic virtues. Clearly an aristocratic ethos, liberality in its Roman, medieval, and early modern forms supported the concept of noblesse oblige and, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the ideal of the gentleman who showed tolerance and munificence toward his inferiors.

The decline of this great undertaking only 30 years after Francis Fukuyama proclaimed that "the universalisation of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government" was at hand is a puzzle. Perhaps its weak point was the need for a moral aristocracy. This curious combination can be unstable since aristocracies can be both oppressive and immoral. As Breckman noted "a political tradition with roots in paternalistic elitism ... has produced many moments of profound ambivalence."

BINGO! Add in the XVI Amendment and you get the tax collector’s morality enriching “. . . western liberal democracy . . .” governed by parasites.

But it has other vulnerabilities. The very definition of morality has lately been questioned by liberalism's chosen allies. While Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bennet's accused Donald Trump of being "at war with American tradition" some in his own party argued that the whole idea of American tradition was racist. As Tucker Carlson noted, Ilhan Omar doesn't want any part of it.

Omar isn't disappointed in America, she's enraged by it. Virtually every public statement she makes accuses Americans of bigotry and racism. This is an immoral country, she says. She has undisguised contempt for the United States and for its people. That should worry you, and not just because Omar is now a sitting member of Congress.

"Civic virtue" can also be ambiguous when open borders and the equivalence of all cultures mean there is no pot to melt in. "We're destroying the classical definition of the melting pot," according to Victor Davis Hanson, "in which your superficial appearance was supposed to be incidental, not essential to who you are." In an identity society, nothing is virtuous except your own tribe.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is trying to tamp down an ongoing squabble between a quartet of progressive members and a large bloc of moderate Democrats. ... Tensions inside the caucus have simmered for some time, but the internal party fight spilled out into the open during debate over a border spending bill that passed the House last month. Pelosi allowed a vote on a Senate-passed version of the bill, without a series of amendments negotiated by progressives to protect migrants, at the behest of more moderate members. ...

But a day earlier, one of the four — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. — made it personal, suggesting in an interview with the Washington Post that Pelosi was deliberately targeting the four because of their race.

Plus American liberalism had gotten into the habit of proclaiming its own decline. When Christopher Layne argued (in The Atlantic) in 2012 that "America's power and influence over the international political system will diminish markedly from what it was," the public inevitably regarded it as a liquidation notice.

As the empire wound down, the British establishment unravelled, attracting mockery rather than deference. The public schools’ focus on the classics, their hostility to teaching science, their obsession with team sports and “character training” no longer seemed relevant to a country experiencing what Harold Wilson called “the white heat of this [technological] revolution”.

At many universities, replacing the word "classics" with "gender studies" and "character training" with "social awareness" produces the same effect. It's hard to believe in something that doesn't believe in itself.

Yet perhaps the biggest hurdle virtue-based liberalism faced was the problem of elite morality or the lack thereof. The Jeffrey Epstein teenage trafficking case, coming on the heels of numerous celebrity and media sex scandals, reminded everyone that the aristocracy was as fallible as anyone else. That the Justice Department sat on evidence for more than 10 years made it even worse because the rot was bipartisan -- and widespread. The scandal touches "numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister and other world leaders" who were exploiting the weak, the troubled, the runaways.

In this ethical morass, the Deplorables don't seem so bad at all. One reason why virtue-signaling attacks against Donald Trump have proved ineffective is that many are convinced the liberal elite appear no better and good deal less competent than the knuckle-draggers they denounce. Consequently, not a few are willing to go with a president who has boosted the economy, defeated ISIS, rebuilt the military and even -- as an article in Foreign Policy claims -- done more for the millions of Uighurs in camps than any Islamic leader, even if he has done this not out of virtue but self-interest, simply because he wants to be re-elected or wants the America which he leads to be number one. Trump cultivates this narrative, making only a shambolic nod to respectability while ceaselessly stressing his ability to win.

"If men were angels" we could trust the philosopher-kings. Since politicians are more likely to be devils some rely instead on limited government, where competition and the “gospel of individualism” working through the hidden hand of self-interest might produce more virtue than the Best and the Brightest.

The incorrigibility of aristocrats may disappoint those who believed fervently in the perfectibility of human nature. Steven Pinker argued that humans were becoming more moral under the tutelage of enlightenment, that "the way to explain the decline of violence is to identify the changes in our cultural and material milieu that have given our peaceable motives the upper hand." Yet men with all the advantages proved apt to greed and perversion, reminding us that wealth, education and intelligence can accelerate evil as well as retard it. Perhaps the most famous warning against undue reliance on perfectibility comes from the movie Forbidden Planet.

Dr. Morbius : In times long past, this planet was the home of a mighty, noble race of beings who called themselves the Krell. Ethically and technologically they were a million years ahead of humankind, for in unlocking the mysteries of nature they had conquered even their baser selves, and when in the course of eons they had abolished sickness and insanity, crime and all injustice, they turned, still in high benevolence, upwards towards space. Then, having reached the heights, this all-but-divine race perished in a single night, and nothing was preserved above ground.

Commander Adams : But like you, the Krell forgot one deadly danger - their own subconscious hate and lust for destruction.

Dr. Morbius : The beast. The mindless primitive! Even the Krell must have evolved from that beginning.

Commander Adams : And so those mindless beasts of the subconscious had access to a machine that could never be shut down. The secret devil of every soul on the planet all set free at once to loot and maim. And take revenge, Morbius, and kill!

Dr. Morbius : My poor Krell. After a million years of shining sanity, they could hardly have understood what power was destroying them.

If I made Forbidden Planet the Parasite Class would be the monster from the id.

Even the metaphorical adults in the room proved vulnerable to the monsters from the Id. It took the fictional Krell a million years to realize what dangers lurked in the power of its philosopher-kings, in their mighty machines. At least humanity found out in only thirty.

Liberalism's Ethical Morass Makes the Deplorables Seem Not So Bad After All
By Richard Fernandez
July 12, 2019
