Hispanic voters can save the American dream

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
But I have news for you, Mr. president: No matter how hard you try, you can't kill the American dream. Hispanic immigrants and their American-born children are now stronger, prouder and more powerful than they've ever been. According to Power of the Purse: The Contributions of Hispanic Americans, a new report from New American Economy (NAE), Hispanic Americans are a swiftly growing and vocal segment of the electorate.

Nationwide, more than 28.8 million Hispanic Americans are eligible to vote this year, up seven million from 2010, and they are registering to vote in record numbers. In Nevada, where Democrats caucus today, as well as in crucial swing states such as Florida, Arizona and Colorado, Hispanic registrations are outpacing those of other groups - and since more than four-fifths of Hispanic registered voters reliably turn out to vote, those new registrations could help swing close-run elections in battleground states.

Hispanic Americans are proud of our success. But we're also angry as hell about the way our contributions have been dismissed by a president all too eager to label us rapists and criminals. That's why we're determined to live our American dream not just by working hard and prospering, but also by using our voices and our votes to keep the dream accessible to anyone, immigrant or citizen, with the energy and imagination to strive for it.


The numbers don't lie, but I've come to realize that the American dream is about much more than the pursuit of economic success. It's about standing up for the values of this great nation and taking part in the democratic process. Hispanic Americans, whether recently naturalized or here for generations, must vote. Like my parents before me, I often tell my children to work hard. But I also remind them that as Americans, we have a duty to our country, too. For many Hispanic Americans, the 2016 election was a wakeup call, and the excesses of the Trump administration have left us determined to have a say in how our country is run.
Hispanic American voters are a sleeping giant, and thanks to our concentration in battleground states, we can tip the political balance. We make up 12.5 percent of eligible voters nationwide, but almost 43 percent of eligible voters in New Mexico, around 30 percent of eligible voters in California and Texas, almost one in four eligible voters in Arizona and one in five eligible voters in Nevada, according to the NAE.

Hispanic Americans know better than anyone that the American dream isn't just a story about individual people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. It's also a dream about shared opportunity, and a country where those who succeed have the generosity of spirit to help others