Hispanics Transforming U.S. Religion


Villified User
Hispanics Transforming U.S. Religion

AP Religion Writer

U.S. Hispanics view religious and political life as intertwined, often worship in ethnic congregations and embrace a spirit-filled, charismatic style of Christianity, a new survey says.

The trends cross Roman Catholic and Protestant lines and signal significant shifts in the U.S. religious landscape, considering the explosive growth of the Hispanic population, according to the survey released Wednesday by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life and the Pew Hispanic Center.

When it comes to political loyalties, religion trumps ethnicity: Hispanic Catholics, who make up two-thirds of the Hispanic population, are solidly Democratic. But born-again or evangelical Hispanics, at 15 percent of the Hispanic population and rising, favor Republicans, though by a much narrower margin.


Hmm could this have anything to do with the con vs lib views on immigration ?
One of the most liberal and atheist people I know is a second generation Cuban. She's also freaking hot, but that's unimportant in this context except that it would please MBL to have his assertation about Cuban hotness proven correct.
Are you sure it's all hispanics - or just first and, to a lesser degree, second generation hispanics?

You mean you want to know if the assimilation is on schedule? Newsflash: There is no more assimilation. It went out of vogue with colonialism, being white, and the truth. America is being recolonized with brown theocrats claiming any Abrahamic linkage whatsoever.