History of Health Insurance


Sexy Beast!
My g/f is going to Medical school, and has been assigned a ten page report on the history of health insurance. I figured I'd help her a little and see what kind of info I can get from the politic junkies. If anyone knows of a good site, let me know...
My g/f is going to Medical school, and has been assigned a ten page report on the history of health insurance. I figured I'd help her a little and see what kind of info I can get from the politic junkies. If anyone knows of a good site, let me know...

I don't know of any websites, but it should be easy to google. What I do know is that widespread employer-based health insurance is somewhat of a historical fluke: when all the GIs were sent off to war in WW11, there was a labor shortage, and companies starting offering healthcare benefits to attract and hold employees. It should be easy to google.
I think Kaiser the victory ship building concern was pretty much the first one to offer health insurance on a large scale.