Hmm, what happens now ?


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Panel Grants Immunity to Ex-Justice Aide
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Apr 25, 11:22 AM (ET)


(AP) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich, left, and Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas,...
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WASHINGTON (AP) - A House committee Wednesday voted to grant immunity to Monica Goodling, a key aide to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales during the firings of eight U.S. attorneys. She had refused to testify under the Fifth Amendment.

The 32-6 vote by the House Judiciary Committee surpassed the 2/3 majority required to grant a witness immunity from prosecution. A separate vote to authorize a subpoena for Goodling passed by voice vote.

Democrats said the votes were necessary tools to force into the open the story of why the prosecutors were fired and whether they were singled out to influence corruption cases.

Gonzo resigns ?
They also issued a supoena for Rice today, regarding the yellowcake bs story.

So things are starting to move along. Should be interesting.
All these investigations might more viewership that "reality" TV shows. I hope so. I consider it very entertaining. It is payment time for the neos.
Truth only truth Desh.
Like those who want to squelch the Tillman investigation...
The truth is sometimes inconvenient to some and not always prudent, but it is the truth.
Why would the party of personal responsibility want anything else ?
When you dont have the truth to base your decisions on you end up with bad decisions.

If you want to fuck something up good use bullshit to make your decisions.

Bush is the perfect example