Hmmmmm ... Dow heading south.

It's becoming obvious that virus is far from finished, despite Trumps desire to wish it away, and his cults belief that it was all a hoax. Investors are now realizing the recovery is going to take years. Thanks Trump.
Why the disconnect between stocks and the economy is worrying

"The fundamental problem is market psychology and whether the narrative shifts from the summer of hope to the summer of discontent, where first consumers and then investors become jaded by a post Covid-19 hangover compounded by a White House running out of options on all front, be it domestic or foreign policy," Stephen Innes, chief global markets strategist at AxiCorp, told clients Wednesday.
Why the disconnect between stocks and the economy is worrying

"The fundamental problem is market psychology and whether the narrative shifts from the summer of hope to the summer of discontent, where first consumers and then investors become jaded by a post Covid-19 hangover compounded by a White House running out of options on all front, be it domestic or foreign policy," Stephen Innes, chief global markets strategist at AxiCorp, told clients Wednesday.

It appears they are reconnecting again. The DOW is down almost 10% in the last week or so.