HoF induction

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
WTF! Deon Sanders? My wife can tackle better then him. The man was a consumate show boat and a buffoon. I have a fairly low opinion of sports writers as professionals to begin with but this cements their reputation as being first class morons. I can think of a half a dozen corner backs far more deserving and far more professional the neon Deon. What a fucking joke! Thank God for the veterans committees and I applaud their inductions of Chris Hamburger and Les Richter both long over due and faaaaaaar more deserving then a hot dog like Sanders.

I mean do these morons have that first clue as to the message they are sending out to future generations by inducting a punk like Sanders? That being a showboat and a hot dog and a selfish, me, me, me player utterly lacking in both professionalism and devoid of the team concept. I can think of no current member of the NFL HoF as undeserving of induction as Sanders. This is a joke and it does not reflect well on the NFL or professional athletes (one thing Deon Sanders never was).
Primetime invented shut down corner, he was the best ever.

Plllllhhhhhbbbbbtttt I can think of three past Bengals that were far better then Mr Showboat, I'm useless on the run, Sanders. Lamaar Parish and Tommy Casanova were both better then neon Deon and I'd take Ken "The Rattler" Riley over Sanders any day. Now there was a CB that put the fear to god in people. They just flat out wouldn't throw to his side of the field and he could hit like a frieght train. Sanders hit like your grandma.

The fact that Sanders is in the HoF and a far superior and far more professional athlete like Riley isn't, shows just how fucked up the NFL HoF is.
He's a first ballot for a reason.
Now your luv of bungles can be clouding your football judgement as you are not used to seeing quality football.

A group of linebackers for the bungles once taunted Deon after a typical diving at air missed tackle. They yelled "learn how to tackle", Deon pops up and yells " learn how to get paid". which made the taunters laugh.

The second best cover corner is light years behind deon, to dispute is to expose your lack of football IQ
He's a first ballot for a reason.
Now your luv of bungles can be clouding your football judgement as you are not used to seeing quality football.

A group of linebackers for the bungles once taunted Deon after a typical diving at air missed tackle. They yelled "learn how to tackle", Deon pops up and yells " learn how to get paid". which made the taunters laugh.

The second best cover corner is light years behind deon, to dispute is to expose your lack of football IQ
He's first ballot cause he was a hot dog and got a lot of media hype. I'll give you this. He may have been the best nickel back ever but best Corner back? Jack Tatum would have ripped off neon Deons head and shit in the hole he left behind! Guys like Tatum and Riley and Lott and Blount put the fucking fear of God into opposing backs and recievers. These guys could and would take your friggen head off and everyone new it, feared them and stayed the hell away from them. No one...NO ONE was ever even reomotely afraid of Sanders. He could cover...that was it. The best all around corner back who could do it all, cover, tackle, run-support, intercept passes, punt returns was Rod Woodson, hands down the best CB of all times. After Woodson was Dick Night Train Lane.
Now Shannon was deserving. What a boot strapper, ehh? His odds of making it in the NFL let alone becoming an HoF'er were slim to none but boy did he show them! Best T.E. since Kellen Winslow.

I loved his speech. He started with, "They give us 18 to 20 minutes to say our piece... Ain't gonna happen!"
Prime was 3 knotches better than the second best corner of all time.
Dude rand a 4.23 at fsu, he had to leave guy's open to bait QB's into throwing at him.
All the tough guy's the bungles lover listed combined don't have as many pic 6's

not even debatable Prime #1
Prime was 3 knotches better than the second best corner of all time.
Dude rand a 4.23 at fsu, he had to leave guy's open to bait QB's into throwing at him.
All the tough guy's the bungles lover listed combined don't have as many pic 6's

not even debatable Prime #1

Uhhh yea, actually they do. Lane, Riley, Lott and Woodson all had more pics then neon Deon.
they are all third rate db's, nobody bothered to thow at prime.
check out pic 6's

deon hit a hr in a world series and scored a td same day. Nuff said
they are all third rate db's, nobody bothered to thow at prime.
check out pic 6's

deon hit a hr in a world series and scored a td same day. Nuff said

Yea and he about got his ass beat by Pudge for playing like a punk. Funniest damn thing I ever saw I thougt Deon was going to start crying! LOL