Holier than thou

Just so you know, when Trump successfully remains in office I will not be here to gloat over your loss. I want to be the better man.

No hard feelings friends.

Peace n Safety is obviously allowed a phone or laptop in his padded cell.
Normally I'd praise such benign policy, but perhaps they should at least restrict the hours.
How much bandwidth will he be allowed to waste?
There is no avenue for trump to stay in the Whitehouse. He lost a fair election. He , being the selfish immature prick he is, started lawsuits and tried rousing the people to overthrow the election system so he could keep in power. He is doing harm to America and performing what Putin wanted him to do.
Trump, and his enablers/supporters, have done more harm to America than America's foreign adversaries have.

They are morons who should be exiled.
There is no avenue for trump to stay in the Whitehouse. He lost a fair election. He , being the selfish immature prick he is, started lawsuits and tried rousing the people to overthrow the election system so he could keep in power. He is doing harm to America and performing what Putin wanted him to do.

I believe he knew that reality November 4th, and has been planning for it long before that date.

His schtick now is for life after the Presidency, him and his media enablers are perpetuating the myth that he was robbed so he can stay relevant, steal the attention away for the new Administration. For years we are going to be hearing that Trump was cheated out of reelection even though all the facts prove otherwise
You're not because you say so? Lmfao oh that's right you cunts prefer "truth" over facts

When you get out of your teens...if you are that far along...you may actually see that you are being a dick head.

It wears well on you.
When you get out of your teens...if you are that far along...you may actually see that you are being a dick head.

It wears well on you.

I know I get under your leftist cunt skin which is a great start. When you get a fucking brain let me know.