holly shit are people lost


Verified User
This forum is dominated by enemies and distortion of reasons this week. Just this week.

This mentality is pathetic.

No one really gives a shit man. No, most of humanity doesn't.

Seriously we don't. Too much shits about to get real.
This forum is dominated by enemies and distortion of reasons this week. Just this week.

This mentality is pathetic.

No one really gives a shit man. No, most of humanity doesn't.

Seriously we don't. Too much shits about to get real.

Details man..go ahead and rant. I've done it enough times. Rant!
Revolution never won, it's just another form of gun
To do again what they have done
With all our brothers' youngest sons
This forum is dominated by enemies and distortion of reasons this week. Just this week.

This mentality is pathetic.

No one really gives a shit man. No, most of humanity doesn't.

Seriously we don't. Too much shits about to get real.

Take 5 minutes and think about how exactly we got to this place. I could tell you but it's better for you to see it.
What got us to this place are the far left Democratic Socialists and their policies on crime, the open borders, inflation, censorship of conservatives and the corruption that extends all the way to the White House.
What got us to this place are the far left Democratic Socialists and their policies on crime, the open borders, inflation, censorship of conservatives and the corruption that extends all the way to the White House.

I think that's all true but the real problem relates to the word "lost" in the title. The left has destroyed everything people used to be able to rely on. Religion, family, marriage, language and now they tell us even biology cant be relied on to help us establish some truths about the world around us. Everybody has their own "truth" now. No wonder we're lost and thats exactly how they want it.
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This forum is dominated by enemies and distortion of reasons this week. Just this week.

This mentality is pathetic.

No one really gives a shit man. No, most of humanity doesn't.

Seriously we don't. Too much shits about to get real.
I know.....lib'ruls really suck, don't they.....
I'm here for the laughs...of which many are provided.

I know.....lib'ruls really suck, don't they.....


The far left Democratic Socialist loons have changed America from a shining city on a hill to a wasteland of crime, perversion and corrupt government.

It will get worse as these tens of millions of illegals pouring across Biden’s open borders have to be fed, educated and given medical care.

The far left Democratic Socialist loons have changed America from a shining city on a hill to a wasteland of crime, perversion and corrupt government.

It will get worse as these tens of millions of illegals pouring across Biden’s open borders have to be fed, educated and given medical care.

Perhaps some of these far left Democratic Socialist loons who support Biden’s open borders will step up and take a few into their homes to feed, educate and provide medical care.

Will Saturday be too soon?
The great thing about getting older is you don’t have to give a shit anymore.

All these problems are gen z’s worries not mine. I get to just hang back and see what they do
I think that's all true but the real problem relates to the word "lost" in the title. The left has destroyed everything people used to be able to rely on. Religion, family, marriage, language and now they tell us even biology cant be relied on to help us establish some truths about the world around us. Everybody has their own "truth" now. No wonder we're lost and thats exactly how they want it.


a slow concept by concept lobotomy.

all of reality must be focused on the cutting edge of their divide and conquer perpetual violence machine.

People have been kept ignorant and they have been constantly lied to by power, AND we have been fed a constant diet of fear because ignorant confused scared people are easier to control.
People have been kept ignorant and they have been constantly lied to by power, AND we have been fed a constant diet of fear because ignorant confused scared people are easier to control.

Don't blame your ignorance on others.

You choose to get your information on Fox News and News Max.

In the age of information- Ignorance is a choice!
The lying started early, in 1977 I was taking drivers ed at Guilford HS, we were fed streams of film to teach us which had been approved by the state.....they over and over again hit us with a statistic that the majority of accidents happen within a mile or two of our homes (I forget the exact claim) and that it happens because people get complacent when they are in familiar areas "DONT GET COMPLACENT!" . Decades later I learned that it was all a lie, that accidents happen close to home because there is where the most miles are driven, the accident rate per mile has nothing to do with how close to home we are, as those in authority always knew. We were fed a lie because those in power found it useful to lie to us, and to fill us with fear.
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