APP - Hollywood scandal a big blow to leftism


The burgeoning Hollywood scandal involving sexual abuse and pedophelia not only severely damages Hollywood but it will deal a significant blow to the left and leftist causes.

The reason is that for decades now the left has used the power of Tinsel Town to push its goofy causes, whether it is tired screeds during acceptance speeches at awards celebrations or epic tomes bashing conservatives and making the abnormal appear normal.

Americans have been tuning out and are waking up to the destructive nature of the left. This hidden scandal of child abuse will only hasten its demise much to the betterment of America and its traditional values.

The burgeoning Hollywood scandal involving sexual abuse and pedophelia not only severely damages Hollywood but it will deal a significant blow to the left and leftist causes.

The reason is that for decades now the left has used the power of Tinsel Town to push its goofy causes, whether it is tired screeds during acceptance speeches at awards celebrations or epic tomes bashing conservatives and making the abnormal appear normal.

Americans have been tuning out and are waking up to the destructive nature of the left. This hidden scandal of child abuse will only hasten its demise much to the betterment of America and its traditional values.


Hollywood has has sex scandals going back to Fatty Arbuckle.