I have worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade. No big deal. The worst thing is sweat dripping on the lenses.

But then, I am near-sighted, have astigmatism, and screwed up color vision.
I have worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade. No big deal. The worst thing is sweat dripping on the lenses.

But then, I am near-sighted, have astigmatism, and screwed up color vision.

I noticed a visual difficulty at the end of 8th grade (2000), and failed the eye exam for my sports physical that summer. I was diagnosed as 20/60, and prescribed long-distance glasses that I only had to wear for viewing projectors, white boards, etc., and for driving. Finally, 2.5 years ago I noticed I couldn't see the slides in my history class very well, so while on break I went and got a new prescription, and its for full-time.

Because I can see perfectly up close, I generally take them off for reading and so forth...
I have 20/40 on my left eye and 20/300 on my right. Most of the time I don't wear glasses though. I wear them mostly when I'm driving.

Are you serious? 20/300 is blindness. O_O

20/40 is considered good vision though. For one thing, I'm also nearsighted, so I can read good but everything looks blurry farther away. Maybe this is why I'm such a shitty driver?
Are you serious? 20/300 is blindness. O_O

20/40 is considered good vision though. For one thing, I'm also nearsighted, so I can read good but everything looks blurry farther away. Maybe this is why I'm such a shitty driver?

20/40 doesn't even have to wear glasses to drive in WA. Just remember to wink at the hotties with your left-eye, Mott!!