Holy shit, this is just genius

cancel2 2022

This is all done using stop motion, no CGI or animation tricks.

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at approximately 2:20 I saw a paper cutout of an automatic rifle......the people who made this must be banned from school......
Holy crap, you can't even spell your own name!! What were you saying about laughing stocks?

[h=2]Rene meaning and name origin[/h]Rene \r(e)-ne\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Rene). Short form of Irene (Greek) "peace". Also used as an independent name, mainly since the early 20th century.
Rene has 3 variant forms: Reney, Renie and Rennie.
For more information, see also related names Renata and Renee.
Baby names that sound like Rene are Rena, Raene, Reine, Reene, Renae and Renne.
you do realize sarcasm is difficult to detect with only the written word. you're rarely sarcastic and you often say the very same thing in tom's threads that you do not like, thus, it was impossible for anyone to understand you were being sarcastic.