Holyroller Quiz


Junior Member
1 )You are the lamb of god you take away the sins have mercy on __________

A) Us

2) Towards the end of mass those who have made this get to receive their communion

A) Passover

3)On top of the cross read these letters

4)Usually played throughout service is
A)An electric Guitar

5)What do priests drink when they cut up the communion
D)Jell-o Shots

6)After you receive your communion you go back to your seat and....

A)sit down and rip a fart
B)kneel down and pray
C)smoke a cigarette

7)During the peace be with you phase of church you are expected to say to strangers "peace be with you" and do what
A)kiss them on the mouth
B)kiss them on the cheek
C)shake hands
D)kick them

8)forgive me father for i have sined it has been.....
A)1 year since my last confession
B) 1 week since id been to church
C)too long for me to count
D)a long time since i got any

9)It is Ok to park in church handicaped if you don't have a handicap sticker
A)True god knowsif your handicaped or not
B) no state laws prevail over christian parking lots

10)When they announce they are reading the gospel according to whomever you are supposed to
A)slap your neighbor
B)touch your forehead and chin
C)touch your forehead chin and nose
D pray.
Some fundamentalist evangelicals I've spoken to aren't even aware that catholics are christians too. They evidently think its this whole other "religion"
Many, many of the Catholics I have spoken to have stated, "I'm not Christian I am Catholic!" I'm not kidding.
These are Catholic questions. The most notorious rollers are protestants.

Yep we can tell rob thinks all christians are like Catholics :)
Some churches do not even allow musical instruments.
And most protestant churches do not have anything wrote on the cross from what I have seen.

Wow rob thinks Catholics are holy rollers ?
Both sides are indoctrinated to think the other side is wholly alien.

My mother who converted to methodism (much to my chagrin) has said that Catholics are not Christians. I have had to correct her on this. This is what her church is teaching her.
Many, many of the Catholics I have spoken to have stated, "I'm not Christian I am Catholic!" I'm not kidding.
the pentecostal church I was raised in tought that all catholics were going to hell for idolitry and drinking and gambling :)
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