Holyrollers demanding da money $$$$


Junior Member
Church wants cash for 'sick' game

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Entertainment giant Sony has been branded irresponsible for using a cathedral from a city plagued by gun crime in a violent video game.

The Church of England says the company did not seek permission to use the Manchester Cathedral in the game, and is demanding an apology and a large donation to be used in its work with young people.

Church leaders want the game removed from shop shelves or modification of the section of the game to remove the Cathedral interior. They also want an apology from the company for using "realistic photo quality" images of its building without permission. Govender said the church would also seek a donation to be used in its work with young people. He did not specify how much the company would be asked to pay.


lol thats just funny....

ever notice how holyrollers are always up in arms.... maybe we should make a video game on the war on christmas and use guns and stars and trees.
Ahh, but one thing about holy rollers they can be bought off. One reason why they get along with republicans so well :)

Good to have ya back Rob.
How did the slush err hedge fund job work out ?
Talk about ironies....
In KY the State Police provides funds to local law enforcement agencies for bullet proof vest purchases. The funds for these purchases are provided by the sale of confiscated weapons....