Holyrollers miffed again, want to sensor TV for something unsensorish


Junior Member
WASHINGTON -- Amid angry protests from Christian groups, NBC now said it hasn't decided whether to include Madonna's mock crucifixion scene in her upcoming concert special.

Leaders of the Catholic League and the American Family Association noted that the network refused to show cartoons of Muhammad that offended Muslims, and should show Christians the same sensitivity.

"It will send a message to the 85 percent of the American population that is Christian that their sensibilities count less than Muslims," said Bill Donohue of the Catholic League...

WHO CARES... don't watch it... BOYCOTT NBC.... lol

Technically we don't have censorship because of the rulings on prior restraint. What can happen is you can be fined afterwards. Most would consider this censorship still though.

The Catholic league is a bunch of cry babies though. I read that something like 99% of complaints to the fcc come from religious organizations.
They have a right to object to offensive matter on TV. The abuse of a religious symbol is not necessary is it? This is a public airway and should consider how the public views what it airs. Jerking off on the cross is offensive to many people.
They have a right to object to offensive matter on TV. The abuse of a religious symbol is not necessary is it? This is a public airway and should consider how the public views what it airs. Jerking off on the cross is offensive to many people.

im sure what people watched on "Passions of Christ" was more bloodied and vile than maddonna getting up on a cross..

but you brought people in by the busloads to see that... double standard apparently...
The Passion wasn't on public TV was it? And well, that is different anyway. That didn't put the religion down like jerking off on the cross. No double standard, one was a movie about a religious event, the other was a singer using a icon to offend and sell to the liberals.
You act as if these people will be strapped down and forced to watch this show.

there are other channels that are shown over the airwaves.

Beyond that who watches TV via antenna anymore?
And we still have free speech in this country and if you want to say that you are offended you can. Why is it that only libs who can protest anything they find offensive? Why do libs think that there is only free speech for those who agree with them?
Was still trying to make my marriage work at the time, wife is a thumper....if you have been married long you can figure out the rest.

havent been married yet, getting close, benn with her 41/2 years, i think i am getting the picture though ...