Holyrollers miffed once again


Junior Member
A children’s fantasy film that stars Nicole Kidman and features a little girl on a quest to kill God has some Christian groups upset over what they believe is a ploy to promote atheism to kids.

The movie, “The Golden Compass,” is adapted from the first novel in a trilogy called “His Dark Materials” by English author Philip Pullman, an outspoken atheist. Critics fear that the film, due out in December, will encourage children to read the anti-Church series.

"They’re intentionally watering down the most offensive element,” Donohue said. “I'm not really concerned about the movie, [which] looks fairly innocuous. The movie is made for the books. ... It's a deceitful, stealth campaign. Pullman is hoping his books will fly off the shelves at Christmastime."


holyrollers didn't seem to mind all the gore for the kiddies during passions or if they pissed off jews who might be rebuted against after the film.
I don't "fear" any of this stuff but it does make me concerned about society. When my boy is 40 I wonder what society will look like. I shudder to think about it.
I agree uscitizen. I think it will be economically harder and with the weakening of the moral fabric of our society that will have taken place it will be harder to live life as I have lived it thus far.
The thing I am most worried about is how kids now are just about brainwashed into thinking of man as evil - with teachings concerning profit, corporations, the environment, cars, guns, pollution, etc...
They are taught to hate and ultimately lead to self-loathing; couple that with not learning any skills, nor pushed to try harder and be more individually responsible and voila you have your modern teenager who ends up lazy, cynical and full of depression.
Not unlike a lot of the Liberals here, who spend their whole work day ranting against daily American life while not bothering to work, be happy or really live.
I agree uscitizen. I think it will be economically harder and with the weakening of the moral fabric of our society that will have taken place it will be harder to live life as I have lived it thus far.

yes we are too spoiled and weak and have too little self respect and values towards others to weather hard times very well...
A children’s fantasy film that stars Nicole Kidman and features a little girl on a quest to kill God has some Christian groups upset ...

And this is what I warned you SPs about:

That the war on Easter and Christmas would lead to this.


What about the war on St. Valentines day Ted ?

That's a Democrat pagan holiday, that is on our target list for abolition.

But, frankly, we republican christians have to focus on abolishing the two biggest symbols of Democrat satanism and multiculturalism:

-Devil's Night (i.e., Halloween)

-and Black History Month.
Why would a god tell us that we should love our enemies, then throw us in a lake of fire if we use his name in vain? Shouldn't he love us and show us his true omnipotence. That would make more sense. Since after all, it is what is told to us in the bible that WE should do. But.... some people will believe just about anything told to them. It's much easier when they get hold of children and 'teach' them at a young age about the 'one true god'. You know, when they also beleive in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. That's when the church starts preaching the idea of 'faith' since they know one day you'll try to make sense of it all, and it won't make a damn bit of sense, so they tell you to be blind to logic and just believe! Yes, you will feel god's great power and witness good things in your life, and we will explain them as miracles! Since after all, the church will take away one day of your life a week away to study how shit works, there is less chance of you understanding how Augmenten got rid of your ear infection, not God. No, here is the collection plate, a kind donation will be accepted.

BTW, Chris Angel is the second coming....
The thing I am most worried about is how kids now are just about brainwashed into thinking of man as evil - with teachings concerning profit, corporations, the environment, cars, guns, pollution, etc...
They are taught to hate and ultimately lead to self-loathing; couple that with not learning any skills, nor pushed to try harder and be more individually responsible and voila you have your modern teenager who ends up lazy, cynical and full of depression.
Not unlike a lot of the Liberals here, who spend their whole work day ranting against daily American life while not bothering to work, be happy or really live.

Seriously, how do you not choke on the shit you put up here?


Try Christianity, which teaches that man is inherently evil, and if he does not fear God's retribution, then he will only do evil. Man could never be good with no belief in God, because then he would have nothing to fear. Never would he do good simply for its own sake.

Try Republicans who teach "them" and "us" and have built this country, and their party, on military spending. We must "fear" them, they will kill us. Therefore we must spend a lot of money to find new ways to kill "them" before "they" kill us.

Get off your phony soapbox, you're full of shit.
Seriously, how do you not choke on the shit you put up here?


Try Christianity, which teaches that man is inherently evil, and if he does not fear God's retribution, then he will only do evil. Man could never be good with no belief in God, because then he would have nothing to fear. Never would he do good simply for its own sake.

Try Republicans who teach "them" and "us" and have built this country, and their party, on military spending. We must "fear" them, they will kill us. Therefore we must spend a lot of money to find new ways to kill "them" before "they" kill us.

Get off your phony soapbox, you're full of shit.

Excsue me Darla.... the American Military is in place to defend your right to self loath and express freely about it. You are free to dance around and chant your desire for Socialism and all the other left wing gibberish that goes on in these forums.... because of our strong Military.

Im not pro War nor am I a fan or follower if you will..of the Bush Doctrine.., but I am well aware of forces out there who would relish the thought of ending America as the way we have come to know and love. To not recognise this fact is naive..... and yes.... self loathing.
Excsue me Darla.... the American Military is in place to defend your right to self loath and express freely about it. You are free to dance around and chant your desire for Socialism and all the other left wing gibberish that goes on in these forums.... because of our strong Military.

Im not pro War nor am I a fan or follower if you will..of the Bush Doctrine.., but I am well aware of forces out there who would relish the thought of ending America as the way we have come to know and love. To not recognise this fact is naive..... and yes.... self loathing.

To build a country and a party on the assumption that "the other' is evil, is doing exactly what Dano crazily accused liberals of doing; teaching that man is evil.

What part of that didn't you understand?
The thing I am most worried about is how kids now are just about brainwashed into thinking of man as evil - with teachings concerning profit, corporations, the environment, cars, guns, pollution, etc...
They are taught to hate and ultimately lead to self-loathing; couple that with not learning any skills, nor pushed to try harder and be more individually responsible and voila you have your modern teenager who ends up lazy, cynical and full of depression.
Not unlike a lot of the Liberals here, who spend their whole work day ranting against daily American life while not bothering to work, be happy or really live.

If you have a teenager like that then you personally are just a bad parent. It is no ones fault but your own.

Way to thread hijak though. Good job.