Home Sweet Home...


Uwaa OmO
I'm home.:clink:

Have been since thrusday but the wife was down from school and so was the family so I had other stuff to do ;). Not with the family mind you, the wife.
Good deal Billiam.

Glad to hear you are safe at home and all is well.

Hope you got to bring your hammer home.
I did, that hammer came in handy once again actually. Both my family and my in-laws came down and we all got a nice cottage. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, cable, furnished, the works, with watfront access for $110 a night! My dad and I fixed the outside porch as there was some screen tearing. I'll post some pictures here soon. Anyways I'm glad to be back. I did the whole pope thing when I got off the plane. Got on my hands and knees and kissed the ground. I see gas is still the same. Means I need to sell my van, a V10 is too expensive to feed.

Well I'm back so no need to worry. Once again thank you everybody, ya'll helped in many ways, whether it was through packages, letters, emails, or intelligant debate thank you everyone.
I did, that hammer came in handy once again actually. Both my family and my in-laws came down and we all got a nice cottage. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, cable, furnished, the works, with watfront access for $110 a night! My dad and I fixed the outside porch as there was some screen tearing. I'll post some pictures here soon. Anyways I'm glad to be back. I did the whole pope thing when I got off the plane. Got on my hands and knees and kissed the ground. I see gas is still the same. Means I need to sell my van, a V10 is too expensive to feed.

Well I'm back so no need to worry. Once again thank you everybody, ya'll helped in many ways, whether it was through packages, letters, emails, or intelligant debate thank you everyone.
amen! Thank you God!

for bringing you home safe and sound!!!


I'm home.:clink:

Have been since thrusday but the wife was down from school and so was the family so I had other stuff to do ;). Not with the family mind you, the wife.

This is a true statement..as vets always love their family...it always comes down to 'Wazzup babe'...Have a nice vacation from hell...if you have to return prayers are with you!:)
I did, that hammer came in handy once again actually. Both my family and my in-laws came down and we all got a nice cottage. 4 Bedroom, 3 bath, cable, furnished, the works, with watfront access for $110 a night! My dad and I fixed the outside porch as there was some screen tearing. I'll post some pictures here soon. Anyways I'm glad to be back. I did the whole pope thing when I got off the plane. Got on my hands and knees and kissed the ground. I see gas is still the same. Means I need to sell my van, a V10 is too expensive to feed.

Well I'm back so no need to worry. Once again thank you everybody, ya'll helped in many ways, whether it was through packages, letters, emails, or intelligant debate thank you everyone.

Good deal think of Vegas every time you use it.

It came from here but did not stay here.:clink: