APP - homeland security strikes again

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
homeland security says that 'soft targets' like hotels need to implement security measures that would include armed guards, metal detectors and inspection of guests luggage

the claim is that sooner or later we will have a terrorist event at a soft target so do we implement better security before or after such an event

seems that terrorism is spreading deeper and deeper into our lives

if so, what will become of the land of the free
Terrorism or the fear of terrorism is spreading deeper into our society?
It is a powerful tool of politics and an opponent of freedom and liberty.

The terrorists have won already.
They achieved their goal.
one or two of those 'soft target' attacks will have governments scrambling to hire more cops and security guards. we'll soon like like an occupied territory.
one or two of those 'soft target' attacks will have governments scrambling to hire more cops and security guards. we'll soon like like an occupied territory.

As I said the terrorists won.
And who benefitted politically from the fear? And even promoted it?

Sure those darned hipply liberals.
Terrorism or the fear of terrorism is spreading deeper into our society?
It is a powerful tool of politics and an opponent of freedom and liberty.

The terrorists have won already.
They achieved their goal.

None of the people I know have any fear, period. That has always been the DNC talking point. :rolleyes:
None of the people I know have any fear, period. That has always been the DNC talking point. :rolleyes:
You were full of fear, what are you talking about. I bet you still have plastic and duct tape in your garage!
not just hippies. every authoritarian and collectivist won. Those who would surrender liberty for security. happy happy joy joy.

perhaps people will look at terrorist attacks like getting caught in a major traffic accident on a visibility impaired road...just bad luck, it is a big country