Honeybee Collapse Update


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Ten years ago the press said honeybee population was collapsing, and threatened the world’s food supply. Honeybee populations are now at a record high, and almost half of Americans are obese. Not that you'd know that from the MSM which just loves to push out bad news constantly.

I don’t buy my honey at the supermarket. One of my former students raises bees and harvests and sells honey. My uncle did before he died. Nothing like raw honey.
Local is big here too.....I noticed someone buying A Gal at Stewart Meats when I picked up my Prime Prime Rib.

A few mins later someone was walking out with a small jar.
I used to know a white radical nationalist....he worked for me....he said that finding the perfect honey is an indispensable part of making good mead.

He bought by the Gal.
Honeybees are not native to the Americas. Why should their loss be seen as something not environmentally friendly? Or, is it that "invasive species" is a selective term based on the usefulness of that species?
I'm happy to hear the bees are recovering. They are still pretty sparse in my neighborhood.

"Large-scale losses are not new to the beekeeping industry; since 1869, there have been at least 18 discrete episodes of unusually high colony mortality documented internationally [4]. In some cases, the descriptions of colony losses were similar to those described above. For example, a condition named “May Disease” occurred in Colorado in 1891 and 1896, where large clusters of bees completely disappeared or significantly declined over a short period of time."

"In 1906, a well-documented outbreak of colony losses spread from the Isle of Wight to the rest of the UK."
Honeybees are not native to the Americas. Why should their loss be seen as something not environmentally friendly? Or, is it that "invasive species" is a selective term based on the usefulness of that species?
It is definitely selective. The praying mantis is technically an invasive species in the U.S., and like the European honeybees they are viewed as a positive.
Beekeepers saved the bees.... Colony collapse was a thing, then the keepers bred bees that seem less likely to just vanish...
I don’t buy my honey at the supermarket. One of my former students raises bees and harvests and sells honey. My uncle did before he died. Nothing like raw honey.
There isn't...we have lots of local sources here, thankfully...many varieties...
And No shortages...
My brother has 20 hives. I get honey from him.