Honor Flight


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Our mission is one of gratitude.
For their service, sacrifice, and selflessness.
Join us as we proudly celebrate America’s Veterans with a day of honor in our nation’s capital.

I finally made my Honor Flight last week, these flights are for World War Two, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans and the guardians.

They fly the veterans to Washington D.C., to see their war memorials, it's free for the veterans too?!! We visited the World War Two, Korean War, and the Vietnam War Memorials, along with the Lincoln Memorial, United States Marine Corps War Memorial, FDR Memorial, and the Air Force Memorial. We also went to Arlington National Cemetery and watched the changing of guard at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, that's something to see too?!!

These flights fly out of most of the country too?!! The only problem we had it was 100 degrees, they had coolers of ice cold bottle water on the buses which had AC. If you are a veteran of one of these wars, I highly recommend take this flight. We had five WW2 vets, 16 Korean War vets and 68 Vietnam War vets and the guardians. I had my picture taken with one of the WW2 vets and The Ladies of Liberty, they remind you of the Andrew sisters, they sing a lot of their songs and some of Cohan songs. They feed you lunch and dinner too?!! This is charter aircraft and we did not have to go through TSA checkpoints either?!!


I've flown a couple of those. Lots of wheelchairs needed due to the age and infirmity of the veterans.
I've flown a couple of those. Lots of wheelchairs needed due to the age and infirmity of the veterans.

All the veterans have a guardian, if a veteran is in a wheelchair, they push you around the memorials and help you onto and off the buses?!! Guardians can be the veterans relatives or a volunteer. They is also a medical staff that travels with the Honor Flight too.
My guardian was a retired nurse.
All the veterans have a guardian, if a veteran is in a wheelchair, they push you around the memorials and help you onto and off the buses?!! Guardians can be the veterans relatives or a volunteer. They is also a medical staff that travels with the Honor Flight too.
My guardian was a retired nurse.
There were several volunteers. I didn't keep track. They were headed to DC and I was only transporting them to Dallas and back. Both flights were special charters.