Since when, my dear, did you give a shit about anyone but yourself?
I care about you button, I fret every day that you suffer because you being a malcontent leftie choose to live a life in a red state with a governor that could very well become your next president.
God, karma is great.
best if you get the fuck out of here and move to Russia, they are your kind of people, your kind of government. Good riddance
Let me guess, you are over 80 and your husband died because he wanted to.
Veterans to your kind are merely roadkill.
So just when did you serve in the Military ???.............
or do you just use vets day and memorial day to try to score political points
We owe right wingers a mass grave in the Grand Canyon.
The closer the elections, the more shrill they get. Most hateful lot I've ever seen.What a wonderful comment from the peaceful, tolerant, malcontent lefties.