Hooray, got off of several meds.


Villified User
Dr. took me off of cholestrol and Blood pressure meds, must be all my clean living.

as I sit here drinking a MT. Dew and eating a pop tart.....
No I think it is due to the fact that up till recently I was married.
Have not really changed much else.
I had to feed myself when I was married , same as now. Actually some lady friends birng me more good home cooked food than I got when I was married.
Same way you kicked men Ted ?

Stress apparently kills Ted, did you BP go up or down when you got off the male "massage" habit ?
An interesting point I noticed last week. Utah has the highest prescription drug abuse rate in the nation. Apparently since Moremoans allow no caffene, alcohol, etc other drugs are in vogue ;)
My wife was assured that she didn't need to be on cholerseral meds (statans ?) this past week. She was prescribed them by a family practioner but had taken herself off of them until she visited the heart doctor last week.

On a side note, to add to the "hurray," I caught several nice crappie last week while I was on Spring Break. Yum.....