Hope and change


It was a small town and the patrolman was making his evening rounds.

As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon Darla and LadyTuna sitting in a used car.

He stopped and asked them why they were sitting there in the car. Were they trying to steal it?

'Heavens no, we bought it.'

'Then why don't you drive it away.'

We can't drive.'

Then why did you buy it?'

'We were told that if we bought a Used car here we'd get screwed ...so we're just waiting.

how pitiful is your like when you have to sit around inventing garbage jokes about woman you stalk on the internet.
this dude is worse than toby.
It was a small town and the patrolman was making his evening rounds.

As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon Darla and LadyTuna sitting in a used car.

He stopped and asked them why they were sitting there in the car. Were they trying to steal it?

'Heavens no, we bought it.'

'Then why don't you drive it away.'

We can't drive.'

Then why did you buy it?'

'We were told that if we bought a Used car here we'd get screwed ...so we're just waiting.


STOP IT!!!! You just made me spit my coffee all over my monitor.
how pitiful is your like when you have to sit around inventing garbage jokes about woman you stalk on the internet.
this dude is worse than toby.

Hey, you can't diss toby like that! He never posted shit about people, he just kept the circular logic flowing!!
i bet one of these guys IS toby. It would make sense he would make the rounds to various messageboards
∞zo;473212 said:
i bet one of these guys IS toby. It would make sense he would make the rounds to various messageboards

Honestly, since Toby disappeared from FP.com, Dixie has become more and more like him everyday... That's about it, unless he's substantially changed his shtick.
Hey, you can't diss toby like that! He never posted shit about people, he just kept the circular logic flowing!!

Hove you gone completely insane? Have you lost all semblance of reality? Are you HIGH? (If so :clink:)

Don't you remember the whole paedophile shit that toby was always talking about?
Hove you gone completely insane? Have you lost all semblance of reality? Are you HIGH? (If so :clink:)

Don't you remember the whole paedophile shit that toby was always talking about?

Oh, did he jump on the "Maineman is a Pedophile" line? Actually, I remember very little of what Toby posted, mostly because I ignored him most of the time... Then again, Maineman received a lot of abuse on the other site. Now its just two or three posters that get on his case.
Actually, he created it.

Well, as I recall, Maineman kinda put his foot in his mouth by saying that since infants under a certain age won't be able to recall it, the crime should not be considered as equally heinous (or possibly even criminal, I'm not sure) as for children above that age...
Well, as I recall, Maineman kinda put his foot in his mouth by saying that since infants under a certain age won't be able to recall it, the crime should not be considered as equally heinous (or possibly even criminal, I'm not sure) as for children above that age...

No, I'm the one who people attribute that to. 'Cept I said the crime wasn't worthy of the death penalty since the particular case in question didn't give any indication that the child was even physically harmed. It involved some guy taking lewd photos of himself and an infant in England. All I said was it wasn't worthy of the death penalty in response to Dano calling for the guy's head to be cut off. Then the retard squad attempted to make it sound as though I condoned baby rape.
No, I'm the one who people attribute that to. 'Cept I said the crime wasn't worthy of the death penalty since the particular case in question didn't give any indication that the child was even physically harmed. It involved some guy taking lewd photos of himself and an infant in England. All I said was it wasn't worthy of the death penalty in response to Dano calling for the guy's head to be cut off. Then the retard squad attempted to make it sound as though I condoned baby rape.

You are hereby on notice that you are no longer allowed to refer to your child/man love.
No, I'm the one who people attribute that to. 'Cept I said the crime wasn't worthy of the death penalty since the particular case in question didn't give any indication that the child was even physically harmed. It involved some guy taking lewd photos of himself and an infant in England. All I said was it wasn't worthy of the death penalty in response to Dano calling for the guy's head to be cut off. Then the retard squad attempted to make it sound as though I condoned baby rape.

Okay... pedophile. :pke: