APP - "Hope" in 2008 Becomes "Hate" in 2018!


Verified User

A good article that clearly points out the reason for the US decline into hate and racism.

(CNN)On Election Night in 2008, Americans gathered in Grant Park, Chicago. They cried tears of joy knowing Barack Obama would become the first black president.

For millions of Americans, Obama lifted the nation. For white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

The hate created two Americas. Two realities. Split-screen reactions to the same events, that continued and were exacerbated with President Trump's victory and time in office.

The right extremists, the very people who screech out their hate on this forum are the ones that have followed Trump and turned America into the racism capitol of the world. It's time for a logical discussion on the problem and at least we can drive a stake through the evil hearts of the neo-Nazis on this board.

I thank the staff of this forum for at least providing a refuge here on this section of the forum for civil and grownup discussion!

Comments are solicited, but only from those who can remain decent and respectable.
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Some good explanations why the US. still reeks of racism, and some reasons why.

Following the arrest of two black men for sitting in a Starbucks, and the increased awareness of similar injustices, the world can more clearly see the racist applications of the law that black people constantly face in America. Their arrest was black codes in 2018, but without the three months of forced labour.

Trump's presidency has exacerbated the problem and social media has raised awareness, but employing black codes and masquerading oppression against black people as democratic justice and fair law enforcement has sadly always been America's status quo.

In hopes that this may help some extreme rightists to understand?