Hope you enjoy privatized cancer treatment, boomer Tom!


Hope your kids never get cancer in the world you've chosen! I know it won't affect you because you've already got a foot in deaths door.

Funny. But Conservative Havana Moon will kill you if you mess with his socialized Health Care.
Funny. But Conservative Havana Moon will kill you if you mess with his socialized Health Care.

I am able to understand the difference between outsourcing services and privatisation. Outsourcing is nothing new and it was originally introduced by New Labour. The NHS uses private sector hospitals, like those run by BUPA, to reduce queues for non-urgent surgery and indeed will send patients to French hospitals if necessary. I realise that this is way above your paygrade but that's a fact, Jack!!
I am able to understand the difference between outsourcing services and privatisation. Outsourcing is nothing new and it was originally introduced by New Labour. The NHS uses private sector hospitals, like those run by BUPA, to reduce queues for non-urgent surgery and indeed will send patients to French hospitals if necessary. I realise that this is way above your paygrade but that's a fact, Jack!!

So. You welcome American companies taking over the NHS and will begin to love chlorinated chickens. Excellent!
So. You welcome American companies taking over the NHS and will begin to love chlorinated chickens. Excellent!

I have nothing against chlorinated chicken per se, so long as the packaging indicates it. I am far more against the use of growth hormones in beef production such as estradiol-17β, progesterone, testosterone, zeranol, trenbolone, and melengestrol acetate (MGA).

As for outsourcing, I see no reason why services can't be put out to tender and the successful companies awarded a time limited contract based on performance. I would also insist that the level of profits be limited by law and staff pay and conditions subject to review on a regular basis.
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If I got cancer and my choices for treatment were the VA or M. D. Anderson which would I choose?

If my choice was the nhs I'd choose the nhs because I wouldn't get charged a million afterward and the care would be just as good if not better. The VA is a stigmatized segment of the Healthcare system in an overall privatized system.