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Y'all know that Kambola Harris is a loose woman who has turned lots of tricks over the years to further her career.

She is like an expensive whore who provides sexual services for rich and famous men in exchange for patronage. One of her former "BFs", for instance, was Montel Williams who hosted a very popular TV talk show at the time she was "dating" him.

However Kamala is best known for for the "romantic" (cough) relationship she had in 1994 and 1995 with the Californian politician, Willie Brown.

Kamala was working as an anonymous layer in a low-profile, hum-drum district of California when in 1994, at the age of 29, she began a sexual relationship with a man called Willie Brown This was a bit unusual because Willie Brown was a fat Black dude who was 30 years her senior.

In 1994 Kamala Harris was described as being a: vivacious; beautiful and intelligent, young woman. So why would she want to jump into bed with a 60 - year- old man, who had a bad reputation as a womaniser, and let him have his "wicked way" ?

The reason is that young Kamala wanted to turbo-charge her career. She had a burning ambition to become a "big shot" - to become a powerful, high-status member of the elite social class in America; and Willie Brown was a man who could help her to make that dream a reality. This is because in 1994, when Kamala Harris, began her (ahem) "romantic" relationship with him, Willie Brown was one of the most powerful and influential men in California. Willie was one of the top bosses operating the Democrat Party machine that controlled California ( Willie B was crooked, of course, just like any modern-day senior Democrat politician: Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and so on. Also, like them, he was effectively beyond the law and pretty much did as he pleased with impunity). In 1994, when he began "dating" Kamila Harris Willie Brown - in addition to being a boss of the Democrat machine, - was also Speaker of the California State Assembly; and in 1996 he became the Mayor of San Francisco.

Kamala knew that if she could get her hooks into Willie Brown, he had the power and connections to help her realise her ambitions. So she brought herself to the attention of Willy Brown and then used her feminine sexual wiles to subtly bewitch then seduce him. Willy was well - known as a womaniser and would no doubt have been flattered at having an attractive, young 29 year old woman lavish her flirtatious attentions on him (a male who was 30 years older). (NB: whenI say that Willie Brown was a womaniser, the fact is that despite being married, he had such a notorious and widespread reputation for chasing and bedding younger women that when he was President, Bill Clinton, told him that he was the "REAL slick willie" :D :D :D ) . So, to continue, it was not difficult for Kamala Harris to seduce Willie Brown, but I have no doubt that she also made it very clear that their relationship was - to put it bluntly - essentially prostitution. That is, she would be expecting payment for the sexual services she rendered. Not payment in the sense of cold, hard cash, but in the form of guaranteed political patronage or should I say,"poontronage").

And that is how it worked out. Kamala let Willie "part the mink" and"punch the freckle" and no doubt provided the requested number of BJs (she also earned the nickname "SPANK" because Willie had a thing about spanking her bare ass) and is still commonly known as ,"Heels Up Harris". The later label was derived from the fact that Willie Brown often asked Kamala to lift both of her legs up in the air so that he could suck all of her toes while he stood above her beside the bed:p:p:p ) Anyway, in return for all of this, Willie Brown dutifully turned "political tricks" for Kamala.

Anyway,, to cut a long story short, had Kamala Harris not prostituted herself for Willie Brown, she would almost certainly remained a low- level lawyer, working in some mundane, small town/district. The general public would never have heard of her. She absolutely would never have become a Senator or the Vice President of the US ,or, right now, the Democrat candidate for the Presidency in November of this year !!


"Slick Willie" Brown is now 90 years old. About a month ago he made a claim in "Politico" that I thought was interesting. He told "politico" that during the 1990s he had introduced Kamal Harris to Donald Trump (then a billionaire businessman) and that she had not only enjoyed hospitality and travel via Trump's jet planes, but also financial help from Trump in cash.. Willie says that he has a photograph of Kamala and Donald Trump together on board Trump's plane. He also told "politico" that he had arranged a $55,000 cheque signed by Donald Trump when Kamala was seeking re-election as Attorney General of California in 2011. There is a copy of this cheque posted on the internet, so I'm pretty sure what Willie Brown says is true.

Trump had known Kamala Harris since the 1990's but In 2011, I'm sure that he was a registered Republican, so why would he give such a large amount of cash to Harris, a California, Democrat Attorney General ?

The mind boggles... One theory I have is that we all know TRUMPIE is a red-blooded male who likes the ladies. Right ? In the past, he grabbed a pussy or two, for instance, - (and there's nothing wrong with that if it's consensual ! ) and boned Stormy Daniels after she took advantage of his vulnerability with her big tits and "come hither" glances. But my point is that Kamala Harris is a known whore; so it is quite possible that she seduced DT into a long-term, intermittent, sexual intrigue and then demanded payment in the form of political favours (like money for her re-election campaign as Attorney General in California ?

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Why isn't this in the "conspiracy theory" area? Old sexual relationships are certainly not "current events" ay?
because it's not a theory.

the conspiracy forum is a dumbfuck concept in the first place.

it's for lazy deep staters who can't make arguments.
because it's not a theory.

the conspiracy forum is a dumbfuck concept in the first place.

it's for lazy deep staters who can't make arguments.
It certainly isn't "current events", and yeah, it is a theory. The poster theorizes (or fantasizes) about the sexploits of the rich and famous. I get that, but it really doesn't belong in "current events" either way.
It certainly isn't "current events", and yeah, it is a theory. The poster theorizes (or fantasizes) about the sexploits of the rich and famous. I get that, but it really doesn't belong in "current events" either way.
I actually agree.

but it's still the right place.