Hot Ones Challenge

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Is anyone here a fan of Sean Evans Youtube program "Hot Ones"?

For those who haven't seen it Hot Ones is an interview program where a guest celebrity in interviewed by the host Sean Evans. As he interviews his guest they eat 10 hot wings. Each wing gets progressively hotter. He usually starts out with a mild hot sauce like Frank's Original hot sauce (about 500 Scoville unites) and progressively gets hotter with each wing till you get to the tenth wing which is sauced with their own hot sauce "the last dab" which has a Scoville rating of around 2 million.

As the guest eats a wing Sean asks them a question and though Sean is a very good interviewer the guest usually give canned responses as most are pretty media savy. Once he gets to the halfway point the wings are sauced at around 250,000 SHU and getting hotter and that changes the entire complexion of the interview as the guest begin to suffer pain and drop their guard and their responses to questions become more and more original...if they can respond at all.

Most of the guest clear the board of wings but a few, probably wisely, toss in the towel. What is a bit surprising to me is that the women guest very often better at dealing with very spicy hot foods then the men. Rachel Ray, for example, didn't even eat the wings. She mainlined them (program jargon for eating a teaspoon of unadulterated sauce. Even when she did a teaspoon of The Last Dab she was kinda....meh...that's hot...when pretty much eveyone else would be dying.

So anyway I decided to do my own Hot Ones challenge at home. Except I didn't purchase the sauces they used for Hot Ones. I basically went shopping around local stores and bought hot sauces that, supposedly, climb the SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) scale. So I got my 10 sauces and did the challenge...I only consider myself middle of the road when it comes to handling head....and much to my surprise I breezed through the board. The only one that gave me a problem was the Kick Ass Carolina Reaper Sauce rated at 1.5 million SHU....but even then it was burned for about 5 to 10 minutes but it was manageable.

So this is a question for you Pepper Heads out there. I'll list my line up and want your feed back if you know about any of these as I feel there may be a lack of truth in advertising as these sauces just didn't seam to be as hot as advertised. So if you could give some feedback to my progressive line up and let me know if you think the advertised SHU rating is legit.

#1. Franks' Original ( around 500 SHU)
#2 Chulola Hot Sauce (around 1000 SHU)
#3. Sriracha (around 2000 SHU)
#4. Tobasco (around 3000 SHU)
#5. Crystal (around 5000)
#6. Melinda's Exxxtra Hot Habenaro Sauce (between 50,000 and 250,000 SHU....I lean towards the 50,000 or less based on my tasting).
#7. Melinda's Red Savina Sauce (advertising states that it has been officially tested at over 500,000 SHU).
#8. Scotty O'Hotty Ghost Pepper Sauce (rated at around 800,000 SHU).
#9. Melinda's Naga Jolokia ( rated around 1,000,000 SHU)
#10. Ass Kicking Carolina Reaper Sauce (rated around 1,500,000)

So being middle of the road and the fact that I didn't feel much of anything in pain I was wondering if I did something wrong. I basically fried my wings and added just enough sauce to get full coverage and then ate them.

You're review and recomendations on my list are welcome. I kid you not the only one that caused me any significant pain was #10.
hottest hot sauce I think I have had is daves insanity ghost pepper, which I handle pretty easily. I am pretty good with spicy food.
nice man, nice. There is a hot sauce shop near me. Maybe I'll buy your top 3 hottest and do the mott challenge.
hottest hot sauce I think I have had is daves insanity ghost pepper, which I handle pretty easily. I am pretty good with spicy food.
I bought these all at a combination of Krogers, Giant/Eagle (local chain super market) and Whole Foods with the exception of #10 which I bought at World Markets. Also ask them at the hot sauce shop my question on the truth in advertising as I was amazed that I went through #6, #7, #8 and#9 with noproblems at all. It essentially took 1 tsp of hot sauce to give a wing full coverage and I ate the entire wing(s).
in my opinion, no. tabasco isn't going to set you up for something way hotter.
That's why I question the SHU rating on a lot of these. After Tabasco it was like each step up, with the exception of #10, just got a little hotter but nothing major. I honestly don't think I'm that good at hot peppers cause I ate a small slice of a Habenaro once and I liked to have died.
That's why I question the SHU rating on a lot of these. After Tabasco it was like each step up, with the exception of #10, just got a little hotter but nothing major. I honestly don't think I'm that good at hot peppers cause I ate a small slice of a Habenaro once and I liked to have died.

it's like anything, the more spicy food you eat, the more you get used to it. I think the science behind it is that the taste buds that detect capascian (can't spell right now) on your tongue actually get killed/numbed so you need more to get that nice spicy buzz.

however one thing I can say is that hot sauces do not compare to the peppers they are made from. Like I did the ghost pepper sauce no issue, but I havne't tried the pepper itself yet which I have heard is much hotter than the sauce
Is anyone here a fan of Sean Evans Youtube program "Hot Ones"?

For those who haven't seen it Hot Ones is an interview program where a guest celebrity in interviewed by the host Sean Evans. As he interviews his guest they eat 10 hot wings. Each wing gets progressively hotter. He usually starts out with a mild hot sauce like Frank's Original hot sauce (about 500 Scoville unites) and progressively gets hotter with each wing till you get to the tenth wing which is sauced with their own hot sauce "the last dab" which has a Scoville rating of around 2 million.

As the guest eats a wing Sean asks them a question and though Sean is a very good interviewer the guest usually give canned responses as most are pretty media savy. Once he gets to the halfway point the wings are sauced at around 250,000 SHU and getting hotter and that changes the entire complexion of the interview as the guest begin to suffer pain and drop their guard and their responses to questions become more and more original...if they can respond at all.

Most of the guest clear the board of wings but a few, probably wisely, toss in the towel. What is a bit surprising to me is that the women guest very often better at dealing with very spicy hot foods then the men. Rachel Ray, for example, didn't even eat the wings. She mainlined them (program jargon for eating a teaspoon of unadulterated sauce. Even when she did a teaspoon of The Last Dab she was kinda....meh...that's hot...when pretty much eveyone else would be dying.

So anyway I decided to do my own Hot Ones challenge at home. Except I didn't purchase the sauces they used for Hot Ones. I basically went shopping around local stores and bought hot sauces that, supposedly, climb the SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) scale. So I got my 10 sauces and did the challenge...I only consider myself middle of the road when it comes to handling head....and much to my surprise I breezed through the board. The only one that gave me a problem was the Kick Ass Carolina Reaper Sauce rated at 1.5 million SHU....but even then it was burned for about 5 to 10 minutes but it was manageable.

So this is a question for you Pepper Heads out there. I'll list my line up and want your feed back if you know about any of these as I feel there may be a lack of truth in advertising as these sauces just didn't seam to be as hot as advertised. So if you could give some feedback to my progressive line up and let me know if you think the advertised SHU rating is legit.

#1. Franks' Original ( around 500 SHU)
#2 Chulola Hot Sauce (around 1000 SHU)
#3. Sriracha (around 2000 SHU)
#4. Tobasco (around 3000 SHU)
#5. Crystal (around 5000)
#6. Melinda's Exxxtra Hot Habenaro Sauce (between 50,000 and 250,000 SHU....I lean towards the 50,000 or less based on my tasting).
#7. Melinda's Red Savina Sauce (advertising states that it has been officially tested at over 500,000 SHU).
#8. Scotty O'Hotty Ghost Pepper Sauce (rated at around 800,000 SHU).
#9. Melinda's Naga Jolokia ( rated around 1,000,000 SHU)
#10. Ass Kicking Carolina Reaper Sauce (rated around 1,500,000)

So being middle of the road and the fact that I didn't feel much of anything in pain I was wondering if I did something wrong. I basically fried my wings and added just enough sauce to get full coverage and then ate them.

You're review and recomendations on my list are welcome. I kid you not the only one that caused me any significant pain was #10.
Ever been to CaJohns?

North can sample anything...
Want to light up?;)
Black Mamba, Reapers Sling Blade, Leviathan, Vicious Viper... Many with less heat, though...
If we buy it and don't make it, this is the Only place to go;)
(we do like your first two choices;)

Haven't see 'the Youtube...I'll check it out;)
Is anyone here a fan of Sean Evans Youtube program "Hot Ones"?

For those who haven't seen it Hot Ones is an interview program where a guest celebrity in interviewed by the host Sean Evans. As he interviews his guest they eat 10 hot wings. Each wing gets progressively hotter. He usually starts out with a mild hot sauce like Frank's Original hot sauce (about 500 Scoville unites) and progressively gets hotter with each wing till you get to the tenth wing which is sauced with their own hot sauce "the last dab" which has a Scoville rating of around 2 million.

As the guest eats a wing Sean asks them a question and though Sean is a very good interviewer the guest usually give canned responses as most are pretty media savy. Once he gets to the halfway point the wings are sauced at around 250,000 SHU and getting hotter and that changes the entire complexion of the interview as the guest begin to suffer pain and drop their guard and their responses to questions become more and more original...if they can respond at all.

Most of the guest clear the board of wings but a few, probably wisely, toss in the towel. What is a bit surprising to me is that the women guest very often better at dealing with very spicy hot foods then the men. Rachel Ray, for example, didn't even eat the wings. She mainlined them (program jargon for eating a teaspoon of unadulterated sauce. Even when she did a teaspoon of The Last Dab she was kinda....meh...that's hot...when pretty much eveyone else would be dying.

So anyway I decided to do my own Hot Ones challenge at home. Except I didn't purchase the sauces they used for Hot Ones. I basically went shopping around local stores and bought hot sauces that, supposedly, climb the SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) scale. So I got my 10 sauces and did the challenge...I only consider myself middle of the road when it comes to handling head....and much to my surprise I breezed through the board. The only one that gave me a problem was the Kick Ass Carolina Reaper Sauce rated at 1.5 million SHU....but even then it was burned for about 5 to 10 minutes but it was manageable.

So this is a question for you Pepper Heads out there. I'll list my line up and want your feed back if you know about any of these as I feel there may be a lack of truth in advertising as these sauces just didn't seam to be as hot as advertised. So if you could give some feedback to my progressive line up and let me know if you think the advertised SHU rating is legit.

#1. Franks' Original ( around 500 SHU)
#2 Chulola Hot Sauce (around 1000 SHU)
#3. Sriracha (around 2000 SHU)
#4. Tobasco (around 3000 SHU)
#5. Crystal (around 5000)
#6. Melinda's Exxxtra Hot Habenaro Sauce (between 50,000 and 250,000 SHU....I lean towards the 50,000 or less based on my tasting).
#7. Melinda's Red Savina Sauce (advertising states that it has been officially tested at over 500,000 SHU).
#8. Scotty O'Hotty Ghost Pepper Sauce (rated at around 800,000 SHU).
#9. Melinda's Naga Jolokia ( rated around 1,000,000 SHU)
#10. Ass Kicking Carolina Reaper Sauce (rated around 1,500,000)

So being middle of the road and the fact that I didn't feel much of anything in pain I was wondering if I did something wrong. I basically fried my wings and added just enough sauce to get full coverage and then ate them.

You're review and recomendations on my list are welcome. I kid you not the only one that caused me any significant pain was #10.

This is one of the only hot sauces so far, that really singed.
Is anyone here a fan of Sean Evans Youtube program "Hot Ones"?

For those who haven't seen it Hot Ones is an interview program where a guest celebrity in interviewed by the host Sean Evans. As he interviews his guest they eat 10 hot wings. Each wing gets progressively hotter. He usually starts out with a mild hot sauce like Frank's Original hot sauce (about 500 Scoville unites) and progressively gets hotter with each wing till you get to the tenth wing which is sauced with their own hot sauce "the last dab" which has a Scoville rating of around 2 million.

As the guest eats a wing Sean asks them a question and though Sean is a very good interviewer the guest usually give canned responses as most are pretty media savy. Once he gets to the halfway point the wings are sauced at around 250,000 SHU and getting hotter and that changes the entire complexion of the interview as the guest begin to suffer pain and drop their guard and their responses to questions become more and more original...if they can respond at all.

Most of the guest clear the board of wings but a few, probably wisely, toss in the towel. What is a bit surprising to me is that the women guest very often better at dealing with very spicy hot foods then the men. Rachel Ray, for example, didn't even eat the wings. She mainlined them (program jargon for eating a teaspoon of unadulterated sauce. Even when she did a teaspoon of The Last Dab she was kinda....meh...that's hot...when pretty much eveyone else would be dying.

So anyway I decided to do my own Hot Ones challenge at home. Except I didn't purchase the sauces they used for Hot Ones. I basically went shopping around local stores and bought hot sauces that, supposedly, climb the SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) scale. So I got my 10 sauces and did the challenge...I only consider myself middle of the road when it comes to handling head....and much to my surprise I breezed through the board. The only one that gave me a problem was the Kick Ass Carolina Reaper Sauce rated at 1.5 million SHU....but even then it was burned for about 5 to 10 minutes but it was manageable.

So this is a question for you Pepper Heads out there. I'll list my line up and want your feed back if you know about any of these as I feel there may be a lack of truth in advertising as these sauces just didn't seam to be as hot as advertised. So if you could give some feedback to my progressive line up and let me know if you think the advertised SHU rating is legit.

#1. Franks' Original ( around 500 SHU)
#2 Chulola Hot Sauce (around 1000 SHU)
#3. Sriracha (around 2000 SHU)
#4. Tobasco (around 3000 SHU)
#5. Crystal (around 5000)
#6. Melinda's Exxxtra Hot Habenaro Sauce (between 50,000 and 250,000 SHU....I lean towards the 50,000 or less based on my tasting).
#7. Melinda's Red Savina Sauce (advertising states that it has been officially tested at over 500,000 SHU).
#8. Scotty O'Hotty Ghost Pepper Sauce (rated at around 800,000 SHU).
#9. Melinda's Naga Jolokia ( rated around 1,000,000 SHU)
#10. Ass Kicking Carolina Reaper Sauce (rated around 1,500,000)

So being middle of the road and the fact that I didn't feel much of anything in pain I was wondering if I did something wrong. I basically fried my wings and added just enough sauce to get full coverage and then ate them.

You're review and recomendations on my list are welcome. I kid you not the only one that caused me any significant pain was #10.

Try brands like Blairs, Hellfire, Mad Dog, for some real heat.
it's like anything, the more spicy food you eat, the more you get used to it. I think the science behind it is that the taste buds that detect capascian (can't spell right now) on your tongue actually get killed/numbed so you need more to get that nice spicy buzz.

however one thing I can say is that hot sauces do not compare to the peppers they are made from. Like I did the ghost pepper sauce no issue, but I havne't tried the pepper itself yet which I have heard is much hotter than the sauce
I've actually heard that hot sauces made from capsaicin extract are more painful than hot sauces made from peppers with comparable SHU's.