Hottest Politicians in America

I think Pelosi is relatively hideous. And it ain't because of the letter after her name... That lady that Cypress added seems pretty normal to me. I'll look at a few pictures, see if I can find something good.
Female: Pelosi
and despite Bush and his cute tight jeans
Male: Edwards

LOL. Yeah, bush in those tight jeans is hard to ignore.

Edwards is indeed, a handsome lad.

Pelosi looks good for a 70-year old grandma.

But, seriously, Gabrielle Giffords is way hot.
Pelosi looks great. She's stylish, healthy and most importantly she pisses republicans off. That's way hot.

Actually, I'm amending my first vote:

Chavez is hotter than Edwards.
Giffords though? She seems cute. I wouldn't go far as to say hot. For me a woman who's hot is someone who's attractive and gets what she wants and won't let any chauvinist jack@$$ get in her way. Is Gifford a spitfire?
Giffords though? She seems cute. I wouldn't go far as to say hot. For me a woman who's hot is someone who's attractive and gets what she wants and won't let any chauvinist jack@$$ get in her way. Is Gifford a spitfire?

like USC said: hot in a relative sense. We're not talking about movie stars here.

Does Pamela Anderson have better physical attributes than a gal like Giffords? Yes.

Is Giffords presumably more educated and intelligent? No doubt. I think she's Ivy League graduate. I'd rather be with someone pretty and highly intelligent, than somebody drop-dead sexy but dumb as a rock.