House committee subpoenas Gonzales documents

I'm wondering when the House will get to investigating the Logan Act violation...

The "most ethical Congress" ever should start on that one right away, yes?
She clearly had the "authority of the United States," as she has the authority vested in her by the voters of her home district. As a Congress woman, I do not belive she needs the authority of the President.

Now back to the subject of this thread.

Aint it great to have a congress that does not ignore Bush's evil acts.
Hmm logan act violation, like GHWB meeting with Iranians in Paris before he was elected VP under Regan ?
It's from the Wall Street Journal so I had to link to a blog who has the whole story on it as you must subscribe to get the full story...

Logan Act Violation?



Thanks for a trip into rightwing fantasy land! I'm still wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.

Dozens of congressmen and senators have visited syria in the last year, and no one's ever mention the logan act until now.

Thanks Damo!



Thanks for a trip into rightwing fantasy land! I'm still wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.

Dozens of congressmen and senators have visited syria in the last year, and no one's ever mention the logan act until now.

Thanks Damo!


Also, there are differing stories over whether the white house knew ahead of time and expressed no problem with it, or not. Being as that bush is a known liar, I'm leaning towards believing pelosi on that one.

With Republican congressmen who were just there days ago, stating on record that there is no there there, this idea is a right wing flight of fancy.
Also, there are differing stories over whether the white house knew ahead of time and expressed no problem with it, or not. Being as that bush is a known liar, I'm leaning towards believing pelosi on that one.

With Republican congressmen who were just there days ago, stating on record that there is no there there, this idea is a right wing flight of fancy.

Gee, a tempest in a tea pot you think? What are the odds? lol.

There's been several delegations of republican congressmen and senators that have met with syrian officials. The false outrage over the Logan Act never reared it's head until Pelosi.

False outrage? Yep.
Beyond false outrage, it is pure hypocracy.

Being a political advisor, is Rover allowed to discuss anything with foreigners ?
She clearly had the "authority of the United States," as she has the authority vested in her by the voters of her home district. As a Congress woman, I do not belive she needs the authority of the President.

Now back to the subject of this thread.

Aint it great to have a congress that does not ignore Bush's evil acts.
Nope. Specifically it must come from the executive. When the law was written it was specifically against such action by Congesspeople... Read the article.


Thanks for a trip into rightwing fantasy land! I'm still wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.

Dozens of congressmen and senators have visited syria in the last year, and no one's ever mention the logan act until now.

Thanks Damo!

I know. That's what I find fascinating. We constantly allow the degradation of the constitution for political manuevering...
Also, there are differing stories over whether the white house knew ahead of time and expressed no problem with it, or not. Being as that bush is a known liar, I'm leaning towards believing pelosi on that one.

With Republican congressmen who were just there days ago, stating on record that there is no there there, this idea is a right wing flight of fancy.
This I agree with, hence the need for "investigation"...

To me, it is all really an excercise in interest. Which laws do we choose to prosecute over those we do not.
Gee, a tempest in a tea pot you think? What are the odds? lol.

There's been several delegations of republican congressmen and senators that have met with syrian officials. The false outrage over the Logan Act never reared it's head until Pelosi.

False outrage? Yep.

Shouldn't Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) be arrested and charged under the Logan Act?:

Specter visits Syria, says it wants peace talks with Israel

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
By The Associated Press

DAMASCUS, Syria -- Syria's president wants to resume peace negotiations with Israel, U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter said yesterday after meeting with Bashar Assad.

Or, is it possible....just possible, that Cons are engaging in a hilarious, and totally transparent game of Faux Outrage?
Shouldn't Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) be arrested and charged under the Logan Act?:

Or, is it possible....just possible, that Cons are engaging in a hilarious, and totally transparent game of Faux Outrage?
It's also possible that the Law Professor that wrote the original article was simply mentioning what appears to be an ingored law.

It would depend on if Arlen was sent with the knowledge and approval of the President as the Executive Branch....

The constitution is very clear on this. Foreign relations lands solely in the hands of the executive branch with the one exception of Treaty ratification.