house leader doesnt have to be a member

Did you come up with this all by yourself?

I think it is a brilliant plan. And since you "claim" that the American people chose the dumb cunt, then your side should make it a platform for the midterm. That way you know they are fully behind you right?

By the way, Donald Trump received more votes in a majority of states than Hitlery Clinton. True story bro
If the American people decided to do this they could

fuck you Putin

we control who our leader is not you

If the people wanted to they could make it happen

if we did this as a nation (and we can) history would not have to record that the first female elected president by the people of this nation was NOT ALLOWED to take office
An inside push is happening right now to make Obama the Speaker of the House.

Trump would pee in his pants.

Trump does have a problem that way.

Donald Trump’s Pee-Pee Problem - Daily Intelligencer
Donald Trump entered Tuesday night having spent more than a week arguing with reporters, his campaign staff, and, eventually, damn near every elected official in his party about what can and ...

Rubio suggests Trump wet his pants on debate stage - POLITICO
Marco Rubio relentlessly mocked Donald Trump on Friday, escalating the attacks he unleashed during Thursday night’s debate and even suggesting the Republican frontrunner may have wet his pants ...

Donald Trump & Peeing Prostitutes: 5 Funny Memes About ... News Donald Trump & Peeing Prostitutes: 5 Funny Memes About ‘Peegate’ ... The claim was made in a complete dossier about unverified claims against Trump and his relationship with Russia.
This is not just about Hilary dude

I want Americans to remember this government is more flexable than they think

she was the peoples choice

the republicans cheated (provably) to keep the people from being allowed to make the choice

we have the power to make it right

or we have the right to allow history to say forever

that Americans got their pick destroyed and now they just get whomever is left in line and was picked by those who cheated
An inside push is happening right now to make Obama the Speaker of the House.

Trump would pee in his pants.

Trump does have a problem that way.

Donald Trump’s Pee-Pee Problem - Daily Intelligencer
Donald Trump entered Tuesday night having spent more than a week arguing with reporters, his campaign staff, and, eventually, damn near every elected official in his party about what can and ...

Rubio suggests Trump wet his pants on debate stage - POLITICO
Marco Rubio relentlessly mocked Donald Trump on Friday, escalating the attacks he unleashed during Thursday night’s debate and even suggesting the Republican frontrunner may have wet his pants ...

Donald Trump & Peeing Prostitutes: 5 Funny Memes About ... News Donald Trump & Peeing Prostitutes: 5 Funny Memes About ‘Peegate’ ... The claim was made in a complete dossier about unverified claims against Trump and his relationship with Russia.

see now your thinking

we could do what ever we want that rights this history

win the election

prosicute the criminals and make our pick for house leader the president.

I think it would be sweetness to give the person who actually won the elections two years of what she won

it would make it right
little girls wouldnt have to read history like trumpy repubicans want it read

girls cant play and win
wrap your mind around this idea guys

If your don't like Hilary it dosent much matter

what matters MORE is the integrity of the peoples vote

that vote should be honored if we can honor it

and we can

its called democracy
This is not just about Hilary dude

I want Americans to remember this government is more flexable than they think

she was the peoples choice

the republicans cheated (provably) to keep the people from being allowed to make the choice

we have the power to make it right

or we have the right to allow history to say forever

that Americans got their pick destroyed and now they just get whomever is left in line and was picked by those who cheated

The Hillary camp crookedly destroyed the votes of any priomary votes they thought they would not get amongst their own voters. Super delegates = cheaters/cheating.

we can let the history forever read that we discovered an election was stolen from the first female ever elected president by this nation.

so we fixed the mess by giving the power to someone else

yeah your granddaughters will love that one