House Porn (but the opposite)

Geezy peaches. No thanks. A view of City Hall! Whoopee! Maybe half a million bucks means something different in SF. I'm pretty sure that the rest of us don't envision half a million bucks buying you this:

I was just poking fun. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Friendly fire.

CharacterAssassin: "Looks like that because you're too busy posting here, you're not spending any time with the underground in Iran, fighting for regime change. Pussy."
Jack: You've already called Herbbilly a Pussy, so I know you're one of the 'Good Guys', I was just wondering WHICH one. :)
CharacterAssassin: "Looks like that because you're too busy posting here, you're not spending any time with the underground in Iran, fighting for regime change. Pussy."
Jack: You've already called Herbbilly a Pussy, so I know you're one of the 'Good Guys', I was just wondering WHICH one. :)

We haven't communicated here at all, so I'm trying to get bearings straight, tighten sails, all that sort of thang

Let me express my regret about my misunderstanding with this:



  • Devin Nunes.jpg
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Some person smarter than you with an anonymous screen name on an obscure politics forum website. That's all we need to know.

Well, this could come as some shocking news but, ... 'CharacterAssassin' has ONE 'Friend'. And that is: 'Oracle of JPP714'. (using right index finger to make a small circle in the air) Does that narrow things down a little?