House Probes Artifical Heart Pioneer Jarvik's Role in Drug Ads


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House Probes Artifical Heart Pioneer Jarvik's Role in Drug Ads

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

By Greg Simmons

Artificial heart pioneer Robert Jarvik appears in an advertisement for the drug Lipitor.

WASHINGTON — A House investigation is casting a wider net into whether artificial-heart pioneer Robert Jarvik improperly endorsed a cholesterol-reducing medication in a number of advertisements.


n the widely seen advertisements, Jarvik endorses Lipitor, which is the top-selling drug worldwide and accounts for about one-third of Pfizer's sales


"There are concerns his role is potentially misleading to consumers. ... He seems to be dispensing some professional or medical advice in these commercials,"


Jarvik also admitted he did not take the drug until after he began working on the commercials, and began taking the drug about one month after beginning the ads.,2933,324989,00.html
House Probes Artifical Heart Pioneer Jarvik's Role in Drug Ads

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

By Greg Simmons

Artificial heart pioneer Robert Jarvik appears in an advertisement for the drug Lipitor.

WASHINGTON — A House investigation is casting a wider net into whether artificial-heart pioneer Robert Jarvik improperly endorsed a cholesterol-reducing medication in a number of advertisements.


n the widely seen advertisements, Jarvik endorses Lipitor, which is the top-selling drug worldwide and accounts for about one-third of Pfizer's sales


"There are concerns his role is potentially misleading to consumers. ... He seems to be dispensing some professional or medical advice in these commercials,"


Jarvik also admitted he did not take the drug until after he began working on the commercials, and began taking the drug about one month after beginning the ads.,2933,324989,00.html

I saw an interview with him. He is a piece of slime. Too bad he's no good at spin.
Why would anyone with half a brain think that inventing something that pumps blood would give you the expertise to comment and dispense advice on cholestrol? Retarded. I had this feeling whenever I first saw the stupid commericals.