House says no to Republican move to cut off PBS funding


Villified User
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House on Wednesday evening overwhelmingly rejected President Bush's plan to eliminate the $420 million federal subsidy for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The 357-72 vote demonstrated the enduring political strength of public broadcasting. The outcome was never in doubt, unlike a fight two years ago when Republicans tried but failed to slash public broadcasting subsidies.

The move to kill subsidies for the CPB, which make up about 15 percent of its budget, was launched by Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado.

Looks like not even many Republicans wanted to cut off PBS.

Just a few Repubs wanting to cut off one of the last sources of real news and good childrens and educational programming. Many other places could be cut first.
I guess PBS has been talking about too many inconvenient truths lately...
From the above article:
Congress created the corporation in 1967 to shield public broadcasting from political influence.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House on Wednesday evening overwhelmingly rejected President Bush's plan to eliminate the $420 million federal subsidy for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

The 357-72 vote demonstrated the enduring political strength of public broadcasting. The outcome was never in doubt, unlike a fight two years ago when Republicans tried but failed to slash public broadcasting subsidies.

The move to kill subsidies for the CPB, which make up about 15 percent of its budget, was launched by Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado.

Looks like not even many Republicans wanted to cut off PBS.

Just a few Repubs wanting to cut off one of the last sources of real news and good childrens and educational programming. Many other places could be cut first.
I guess PBS has been talking about too many inconvenient truths lately...

They are still on about this? This is one of their pet peeves. So stupid, one might think they had other, more pressing, business to take care of.
To the spawn of Newt this is an evil that must be purged! Eternal vigilance against anything politics cannot control.
Its good to see this was a bipartisan vote. PBS is one of the better expenditures of taxpayer money.
Anyone who makes the claim that this compromises the independence of their journalism should start actually watching it. Frontline does some of the best, most hard-hitting journalism that is critical of the war/government in many ways and is far, far better than any network.
Bill Moyers had an excellent show this week on impeachment. If it's re-aired it would be worth making an effort to see it.
Bill Moyers had an excellent show this week on impeachment. If it's re-aired it would be worth making an effort to see it.

I was so sorry I missed that one, I wasn't home and I spaced out that morning on TiVoing it.

I hope it repeats.
Virtually everything Moyers does is good.
and he does not even rant and rave and slobber while talking about it.
Virtually everything Moyers does is good.
and he does not even rant and rave and slobber while talking about it.

PBS is for mature adults.

When I click over from one of Bill O'Reilly's riveting exposes on the War on Chrstimas, over to NewsHour or Frontline, its like going from a kindergarten class, to a Harvard seminar.
I only caught a bit of it myself was helping a friend work on his truck. I have a TV in my shop but kinda hard to watch while welding.
PBS is for mature adults.

When I click over from one of Bill O'Reilly's riveting exposes on the War on Chrstimas, over to NewsHour or Frontline, its like going from a kindergarten class, to a Harvard seminar.


The War on Christmas, that always makes me laugh, just as if it was the first time I heard it. I mean, it never gets old. Gold...those righties come up with absolute gold.
PBS is for mature adults.

When I click over from one of Bill O'Reilly's riveting exposes on the War on Chrstimas, over to NewsHour or Frontline, its like going from a kindergarten class, to a Harvard seminar.
the childrens shows on PBS are more mature than the slobbering pundits like O'Liely.