House Speaker Kevin McCarthy admits Republicans ‘took bait’

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy admitted Wednesday that Republicans “took the bait” by allowing President Biden to turn GOP heckling at his State of the Union address into political gold.

The powerful Republican said Biden effectively used the outbursts by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and other far-right wingers to win over Americans watching at home.
“The one thing we need to be is, we need to be smart,” McCarthy told Fox News the morning after the widely praised performance by Biden. “Don’t take the bait, stay with the American public about what we want to do.”
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy admitted Wednesday that Republicans “took the bait” by allowing President Biden to turn GOP heckling at his State of the Union address into political gold.

The powerful Republican said Biden effectively used the outbursts by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and other far-right wingers to win over Americans watching at home.

Yes. I don't remember a speech when the President responded to the hecklers.
“The one thing we need to be is, we need to be smart,” McCarthy told Fox News the morning after the widely praised performance by Biden. “Don’t take the bait, stay with the American public about what we want to do.”

"we need to be smart" Right, the party that still supports traitor Trump.
The Democratic Party motto should be:

If some of them want to help us...encourage them to do so.

Obviously some Republicans do want to help the Dems...and equally obviously, Joe Biden is encouraging them to do so.

Good speech, Joe.

Good game plan also.